Михалева НА. Конституционное право зарубежных стран СНГ. М., 1998.
Михалева НА. Практикум по конституционному праву стран СНГ. М., 1998.
Мишин АА. Конституционное право зарубежных стран. М., 1999.
Очерки конституционного права иностранных государств. М., 1999.
Стрекозов В.Г., Казанцев ЮД. Конституционное право России. М., 1997.
ЧиркинВ.Е. Государствоведение. М., 1999.
Чиркин В.Е. Конституционное право зарубежных стран, 1-е изд. М., 1997; 2-е изд. М
Чиркин В.Е. Конституционное право зарубежных стран: Практикум. М., 1999.
Чиркин В.Е. Конституционное право: Россия и зарубежный опыт. М., 1998.
Чиркин В.Е. Основы конституционного права. М., 1996.
The textbook is written by well-known Russian specialists on state theory: Professor R.V.
Engibarian, Doctor of Law, director of the Public Administration Institute, Moscow State Institute
(University) of International Relations (MGIMO) Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Professor of
MGIMO, (Y) E.V. Tadevossian, Doctor of Philosophy.
The book gives a thorough and systematic representation of the most important problems of the
constitutional law taking into consideration new conditions and tendencies of development of
nowadays constitutionalism in Russia as well as in the world at large.
In each chapter the corresponding theme is studied from the point of view:
a) of general theory of constitutional law
b) of comparative analysis of constitutional law institutions of different countries
c) of general and modern Russian constitutonalism.
The authors strive to overcome the former overideological way of representing the course and
to reflect objectively the pluralism of ideas in science and to ground their position on a number of
key problems.
In order to help the readers, each theme is provided with test questions; general and special
additional literature is given on separate themes.