cognitive sophistication more education imparts. In short, education changes cognitive style in ways that
250 increase the likelihood ofrecognizing the importance of extending civil liberties to those we dislike.
19 The analysis proceeds in three parts. First, we develop a scale of political tolerance. Close attention
255 to the dependent variable is in order since some recent analysts have questioned whether tolerance is a
single dimension (Sullivan, Piereson, and Marcus, 1979; McCutcheon, 1985). Second, we test the cognitive
sophistication hypothesis in a multiple regression framework, using a Civil Liberties scale that involves
260 five separate groups spanning the political spectrum. Third, we test for education and cognitive
sophistication effects on tolerance of four separate target groups among those respondents holding
explicitly negative attitudes toward the target group.
265 A. Tolerance as Single Dimension
B. Education, Cognitive Sophistication, and Tolerance
C. Affect, Education, Cognition Sophistication, and Tolerance
20 Our research has three principal findings. First , there is a general tolerance dimension that embraces
groups from both ends of the political spectrum. Regardless of the group or the type of behavior at issue,
275 we found very high internal and external consistency for the tolerance scale and its component items. There
is some evidence of behaviorspecific and target group-specific patterns of response. None of these dif-
ferences is so large or consistent as to call into question the existence of a general tolerance dimension.
280 Second, education is strongly related to tolerance, even for a wide array of groups and even among those
respondents explicitly opposed to the target group. Third, cognitive sophistication accounts for a
substantial fraction of the effect of education on tolerance. Taken together, these findings provide
285 confirmation of previous claims about the presence and sources (i.e., cognitive sophistication) of education
effects on willingness to support the rights of disliked groups.