11. The tears welled up to Frank's eyes. Suddenly she felt...
12. 'I'll have the same,' she sighed. In a moment the waiter...
13. Presently Arrow strolled along. On her way she caught...
14. The coffee was brought, and the hot rolls and ...
15. The potatoes were brought. They ate them with ...
16. Frank thrust one whole into her huge ...
Exercise 8
Express the same idea using different wording and grammar.
It was their fat that had brought them together and bridge that had cemented their alliance.
They would have been independent of anyone else if they had not needed a fourth at bridge.
The plan worked very well.
But the fourth at bridge continued to be the difficulty.
We should be absolutely independent of outsiders.
The conversation was gay and easy, and presently they
strolled back to the villa for
Lena gave a bright smile as she put them by the side of her plate.
The grossest indecency would not have fallen on the ears of those three women.
Frank, the good hostess, recovered herself first.
10. Lena slit it in two and plastered it with butter, which was miraculously produced.
11. She helped herself liberally.
12. 'You have a very sweet tooth', said Arrow in a tone which she struggled to keep friendly.
13. The chef was a good chef and he leapt at the opportunity afforded him to send up one dish more rich,
tasty and succulent than the other.
14. The tears welled up to Frank's eyes.
15. The place was beginning to fill up with bathers.
16. On her way she caught sight of Frank and Beatrice.
Exercise 9
Speak about the three ladies' stay at Antibes:
1. in the third person;
2. in the person of any of the fat women;
3. in the person of Lena;
4. in the person of the butter.
Exercise 10
Discussion points.
1. Why could none of the three fat women slim on her own? Why did all of them need company?
2. Did the three fat ladies have good table manners? Prove your point.
3. Did Lena ruin the fat women's plan on purpose or by chance?
4. Do you think that human nature is weak?
5. Why did the three fat women give way to their feelings?
6. What do you think of the last remarks of the ladies about Lena's bridge playing?
Exercise 11
Study the list of English verbs and group the ones close in meaning matching them with the Russian
verbs. Comment upon the difference in their meanings.
English: to swallow, to crunch, to champ, to hog, to munch, to gobble (up), to nibble at something, to
gnaw, to gulp, to chew, to devour, to bolt, to bite.
Exercise 12
Study the table of calories in food and write a menu for a day for:
a) a person who wants to lose weight;
b) a person who wants to gain weight.