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To make someone thinner; juicy and delicious; food making people fat easily; to drink; to cut into two
parts; to put something on one's plate; to put butter on top; to like sweet things; to use hands when eating; to
eat noisily; to eat fast, swallowing large quantities.
Exercise 3
Form other parts of speech from the following words. Give as many variants as possible. Comment on the
shift of meaning in certain cases.
Verbs: to cement, to slim, to crowd, to stroll, to recover, to slit, to plaster, to produce, to remove, to cook,
to wave, to fill, to seize.
Nouns: fat, exercise, difficulty, conversation, drink, hostess, silence, water, inquiry, finger, gulp.
Exercise 4
Say what other meanings the following words from the text may have.
Rich, roll, to boom, cream, to propose, deep, bright, to recover, to help (oneself), heart, lousy.
Exercise 5
Find the English equivalents to the following Russian phrases.
Сухарик; пить напитки; положить рядом с тарелкой;
длинный батон с хрустящей корочкой;
разрезать пополам; попробовать (о пище); удалить жир; положить побольше; подать кофе; быть
сладкоежкой; вкусно приготовленный; повар; намазывать масло толстым слоем; жадно есть; обжора;
принести то же, что у кого-либо; поглощать; ложка варенья; грызть с хрустом; принести три порции
жареной картошки; есть руками; выпить одним глотком; засунуть целиком в рот.
Скрепить союз; по этой причине; по предложению; вс¸ шло по плану; широко улыбнуться; прийти
в себя; неловкое молчание; появиться чудесным образом; человек слаб; ухватиться за
предоставленную возможность; вздохнуть с облегчением; сидеть в одиночестве; выразительный
жест; не верить глазам; в мгновение ока.
Exercise 6
Put in the missing prepositions looking for help in the text.
1. It was strange that a quiet restaurant round the comer was crowded ... people at this late hour.
2. Young people just starting their life always want to be independent... their parents.
3. The teacher said the phrase ... a tone which could not be misinterpreted.
4. The boys were so hungry that they did not notice the forks lying ... the sides of their plates and started
eating the fish... their fingers.
5. The hostess wanted to introduce a new chef... all the other cooks in the restaurant.
6. Something was wrong with the lady's health and so spicy dishes were never served ... her table.
7. The girl gave up dieting and ordered two cakes ... a moment's hesitation.
8. The news fell... my ears like a bolt from the blue.
9. The English certainly know how to eat buns: they slit them ... two, plaster ... butter, and put jam and
cream on top.
10. At the sound all the readers in the reading-room immediately lifted their heads ... their books.
11. You should spread pate ... butter, then your sandwich will taste better.
12. In the restaurant we ordered salad, steaks, fried potatoes and ice-cream ... three.
13. In Great Britain they never drink whiskey or vodka ... a gulp; they sip it.
14. When we were seated ... the tables, I suddenly caught sight ... my old friends passing by.
Exercise 7
Complete the sentences and expand on them.
1. It was their fat that had brought...
2. They were spending two weeks there on Frank's ...
3. Nothing slimmed you like ...
4. She was in deep mourning for ...
5. In each napkin were ...
There was a moment's embarrassed ...
A grilled sole was served. The rest of the luncheon consisted of...
You have a very sweet...
The chef was a good chef and he ...
10. 'Beatrice, what are you doing?' she cried ...
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