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4. How about coming with us (to the club)?
5. How about a (game of tennis)?
6. Would you care for (a glass of lemonade)?
7. Suppose we go to the theatre?
1. I'd like to very much    
1. I'm afraid I can't.
2. I'd love to               
2. I'm sorry, I can't. 
3. I'd like to, but...
3. I would/do.           
4. I'd better not. 
    Thank you.             
5. I'd rather not.
4. If you want            
6. No, thanks.
    (me to).              
7. No, I wouldn't/don't.
5. If you ('d)             
8. Certainly not. 
    like (me to),             
3.4.2. Пригласите кого-нибудь в вашей группе:
1. see (a film/a play/football match)
2. go for a walk with you.
3. have a cup of tea/coffee.
4. telephone you to-night.
5. spend an evening with you.
He/she will accept or refuse.
3.4.3. Смотрите, слушайте, а затем инсценируйте диалог.
— Have you any engagements for Saturday evening?
No. Why?
— Would you come and have dinner with me and my wife?
— That's very kind of you. I'd love to. What time shall I come?
— Oh, about seven o'clock.
— Thank you. I'll be there at about 7.
— Very good. We'll be expecting you.
HE    Would you like to come out with me to-night?
SHE   Sorry, I can't.
HE    Tomorrow night then?
SHE   I'd like to, but I'm afraid I can't.
HE    Would you like to go to the theatre then?
SHE   I wish I could.
HE    OK, well give me a ring, then.
SHE   No, I'd better not.
HE    Why not?
SHE   Because I don't think my husband would like it!
3.4.4. Предложите кому-нибудь в группе совершить различные действия. Ваш партнер сначала
должен будет отказаться от вашего приглашения, но в итоге — согласиться на него.
3.5. General understanding
3.5.1. Прочитайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его и выполнить предложенные упражнения.
The man who escaped
(Episode 3)
1. At 6 o'clock Baxter is in the warm train compartment. Coke is in a field 100 miles away. The winter
evening gets darker and colder. The wind cuts through
Coke's thin uniform like a knife. Coke is hungry and
tired, and his arms and legs are so cold that he can hardly feel them. He wants to find food, warm clothing, and
a warm place somewhere. «I have to make a move! I can't just stay in this field and die of the cold», he thinks.
2. Coke gets up and begins to walk. «Where am I? Which direction am I walking in? Am I going back
towards the prison?» he asks himself. A few minutes later, the moon comes out and Coke can see better. He
stops and looks around. Suddenly he sees a small light not far away. «What can it be? It can't be a car. It doesn't
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