Leonard Vole with his barrister came to the solicitor and asked him to help him in his case. He had
visited an old woman who was found murdered soon after his visit. She had left much money to him. He is
regarded to be the murderer and is arrested. At the trial he pleads guilty. The prosecuting counsel says that the
murdered woman Mrs French was treated by Vole with kindness. He also mentions that the death was caused
by a blow of a sharp knife. He examines his witnesses. Sir Wilfred makes his cross-examinations but without
any success.
* 17.3.14. Когда коллеги Нелли узнали, что она видела фильм «Свидетель обвинения», они
засыпали ее вопросами об этом фильме. Предположите, что кто-нибудь из вас Нелли, а все
остальные ее коллеги. Какие бы вопросы вы ей задали? Пусть она постарается ответить на них.
*17.3.15. Вы решили поставить первую часть «Свидетеля обвинения». Но прежде чем взяться за
постановку, необходимо выделить основные события, происходящие в этой части. Попробуйте сделать
это сейчас.
* 17.3.16. А теперь распределите роли и попытайтесь представить свой вариант «Свидетеля обви-
нения». Работайте группами.
* 17.3.17. Скажите по-английски:
1. Он признал себя виновным. 2. Его судили за убийство. 3. Он был первым свидетелем, который
дал показания. 4. Их судили по обвинению в краже со взломом. 5. Последний свидетель представил
только косвенные улики преступления. 6. Он попытался доказать, что смерть была вызвана не его
действиями. 7. Он был обвинен по обвинительному акту об убийстве. 8. На перекрестном допросе было
доказано, что завещание было составлено под давлением со стороны обвиняемого.
17.4. Practice in communication
*17.4.1. Here are some questions which can be asked at the Customs Office. Read them and try to
1. Where are you travelling?
2. Why are you going there?
3. How long are you going for?
4. How much money are you taking?
5. Who are you travelling with?
6. Whose luggage is this?
7. What have you got to declare?
8. Have you got anything to declare?
17.4.2. Read the dialogue and then dramatize it. Mr. Brown was stopped by the police because he was
driving too fast on a London road.
POLICE: Why didn't you stop when we first signalled?
DRIVER: Did you signal more than once, then?
POLICE: What do you think? Of course we did. Only you didn't see us because you were speeding. That's
DRIVER: Was I? I'm sorry about that. What's the speed limit on this road?
POLICE: Don't you know? 60 kph.
DRIVER: Was I doing more than that, then?
POLICE: What do you think? Of course you were. You were doing more than 80 kph.
DRIVER: Was I? I'm sorry about that.
POLICE: I'm afraid I shall have to charge you with an offence under the Road Traf fic Act.
DRIVER: Will I have to pay a fine? Will I have my licence endorsed?
POLICE: That's for the Court to decide.
Note: 60 kph kilometers per hour (столько-то) километров в час
17.4.3. The Magistrate questions Mr Brown at Court. He asks him:
1. what his name/address is;
2. if he is the owner of a vehicle, registration number NLD 782K;
3. if he was driving at 80 kph on the night of 9 April 19... down Lyndale Avenue;
4. whether he has anything to say in his own defence.
17.5. General understanding
17.5.1. Read the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions.
The man who escaped