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a) something, b) anything, c) nothing, d) somewhat.
9. They watched the car ... at the entrance.
a) stop, b) stopped, c) to stop, d) to have stopped.
10. Jane is known ... the first prize in the competition. 
a) to win, b) to be won, c) to have won, d) winning.
11. We did not... ask her twice, she agreed at once. 
a) can, b) ought to, c) have to, d) must.
12. How ... pages have you read?
a) much, b) many, c) more, d) most.
13. Judy came 5 minutes ... than her husband. 
a) late, b) later, c) latest, d) least.
14. Ann suggested ... to the concert.
a) to go, b) to be going, c) going, d) to have gone.
15. If I were you I... the book.
a) bought, b) have bought, c) will buy, d) would buy.
16. We didn't know their address ... . 
a) also, b) too, c) either, d) neither.
17. The children promised to call their parents as soon as they ... . 
a) arrive, b) will arrive, c) arrived, d) would arrive.
18. It ... three years since we last met.
a) is, b) was, c) has been, d) have been.
19. They ... by 5.
a) have returned, b) had returned, c) returned, d) has returned.
20. Nobody knew where ... at the moment.
a) she is, b) she has been, c) she was, d) had been.
V. Переведите ва английский язык. 
1. Об этом фильме в последнее время много говорят.
2. Что вы делали вчера в это время?
3. Где вы шили себе это платье?
4. Я тоже не знаю, где он.
5. Она спросила, где ближайшее метро.
VI. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. Boston is in....
a) Florida, b) Mexico, c) Texas, d) Massachusetts.
2. Gulf Stream originates in ... .
a) the Gulf of Mexico, b) the Persian Gulf, c) the Gibraltar, d) the Panama Canal.
3. The Tower of London now is ... .
a) a prison, b) a royal residence, c) a museum, d) a burial place.
4. Englishmen eat dinner at....
a) 11 a.m., b) 2 p.m., с) б p.m„ d) 9 p.m.
5. A brunch is ... .
a) breakfast, b) late breakfast, c) dinner, d) a tea party.
Test 17
I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
A doctor was often stopped by one of his patients the street and asked for his medical advice
free of charge. The doctor didn't like it and decided to put an end to this practice.
One day a patient stopped him again and exclaimed, "Oh, doctor! I'm so glad to see you. I heve
such a bad headache?.
The doctor seemed very much interested and said, "Close your eyes, open
your mouth and show me your tongue." The patient did so. Then the doctor quickly went away
leaving the patient with his mouth open and tongue out.                   .1
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