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7. What was Raphael's greatest painting? What was its subject? Was it a traditional rendering
of the subject? What is the lower section composed of? What is the upper loop composed of? What
did Raphael embody in this vision? Where was this painting placed?
8. What was Raphael's death to his contemporaries? What does a closer look at the short-lived
High Renaissance show?
III. i. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases
the pinnacle of the achievements; messiah of the art; to put a personal stamp on; succeeding
centuries; to abandon the static harmony for dynamic compositions; a threshold of the Baroque; to
endow the subject with; Good Friday; to commemorate the death of; to pass into history; patron
saint of the hour of death; the fateful year; an unsparing portrait; the traditional rendering of the
subject; a synthesis of Classical antiquity and Christian spirituality; an unstable equilibrium; to
inspire artists in every century; the ultimate in the High Renaissance vision.
ii. Give English equivalents of the following phrases:
духовный опыт; воплотить свои верования; вершинь живописных работ Высокого
Ренессанса; шаткое равновесие, вдохновлять художников; Великая Пятница; традиционное
изображение темы; наделить образы; судьбоносный год; почтить память; покровительница
смертного часа; отказаться от статики гармонии ради динамики композиции; мессия
искусства; работать над фресками; оставить печать на; объединить вокруг; беспощадный
портрет; на пороге Барокко; вдохновлять художников последующих веков; синтез
христианской духовности и классической античности.
iii. Make up sentences of your own with the given phrases.
iv. Arrange the following in the pairs of synonyms:
a) to dissolve; to embody; beliefs; to endow; to distinguish; spiritual; profound; fateful;
luminous; to abandon;
b) to bestow; deep; momentous; bright; to desert; to vanish; to manifest; doctrines; to
characterise; airy.
IV. Insert the missing prepositions. Translate the text. Retell the text.
The "School ... Athens" presents ... an ideal architecture the chief philosophers ... all periods ...
Greek antiquity engaged ... learned argument. The figures form a circle ... depth ... the lofty
structure, culminating ... the central arch, where ... the distant sky Plato ['pleitou], holding the
"Timaeus" [
] points ... Heaven as the source ... ideas ... which the early forms originate,
while Aristotle [
], holding his Ethics [
], indicates earth u;. the object ... all
observations. ... the upper left Socrates [
] discusses philosophical principles ... the
youths ... Athens. ... the lower left Pythagoras [
] delineates his proportion system
... a slate ... pupils. ... the right Euclid [
] uses another slate to demonstrate a geometric
V. Insert the article wherever necessary. Translate the text. Retell the text.
... "Disputa" begins in ... Heaven. God ... Father presides over ... familiar Deesis with Christ
enthroned, displaying his ... wounds. On either side, in ... floating semicircle of ... cloud, ... Apostles
and ... saints from ... New Testament alternate with ... prophets and ... patriarchs from ... Old
Testament.. Below ...
throne of Christ,... Dove of... Holy Spirit, flanked by ... child angels, with four open gospels,
flies downward toward ... Host. They are displayed on ... altar . On either side of ... alter sit... Four
Fathers of... Church and ... groups of... theologians from all ages of... Christianity engaged in ...
argumentation over ... nature of... Eucharist. Among ... recognizable portraits are those of... Dante
['d^cnti], and to ... left of ... door, and in front of him, ... Sixtus IV. Every figure is based on
Raphael's fundamental spiritual principle.
VI. Here are descriptions of some of Raphael's works of art. Match them up to the given titles.
1. The painting is an encyclopaedic presentation of the philosophers of pagan antiquity.
2. The central group is unified around the motive of Joseph putting the ring on Mary's finger.
3. Raphael has shown the sitter as he was in an unsparing portrait.            
4. The Virgin, showing the Child walks toward us on the luminous clouds. 
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