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Could we hope to have discounts for our future Contracts?
Could we sign the Contiact tonight?
Will you always prefer cif teims?
Will you always piefer shipment by ail?
Will you give us your fob prices now?
Would you give us your fob prices now?
Could you give us your fob prices now?
May I have your fob prices now?
4. Match English and Russian equivalents:
And now comes the price
As far as I understand... 
You wanted us to pay air-
freight, didn't you? 
You wanted us to insure the
goods, didn't you? 
For our trial order these
terms are preferable.
Насколько я понимаю... 
Для пробного заказа именно эти
условия предпочтительны. 
Вы хотели, чтобы мы оплатили
стоимость авиаперевозки, да? 
Вы хотели, чтобы мы застраховали
товар, да? 
А теперь обсудим вопрос о цене.
5. Insert prepositions:
Could you give me your idea... the price... each . the devices then?
... the break I asked the secretary to type the price list.. this basis. 
Now you may have a look... the prices.
When we make contracts... future we hope we shall have a certain discount... the prices.
We shall discuss this matter... every particular case.
6. Insert articles:
There is... question I would like to ask you.
Shall we have... standard contract for your trial order?
I have... power of attorney.
I propose to sign it in... evening.
We could have dinner at... restaurant of your choice.
There is... good restaurant near... hotel.
I'll be waiting for you in... lobby.
7. Choose the correct variant:
If you mention future contracts there (is, are) a question I (would, will) like to ask you.
Only in this particular case we (has, have) chosen shipment by plane.
Only in this particular case we (are, have) chosen cif terms.
If nothing extraordinary (happen, happens) we shall practice fob Tilbury term.
If yoг сan (have, has) prepared it now it (would be, is) splendid.
Придаточные предложения условия и времени "If" and "when" clauses
Если в придаточных предложениях условия и времени говорится о действиях, которые
должны произойти в будущем, то, глагол в этих предложениях употребляется в настоящем
When we make contracts in future we shall give you a discount.
If we make contracts in future we shall always give you discounts.
If we meet in the evening we shall sign it then.
We shall sign it when we meet in the evening.
8. Use the verbs in the right forms:
When we (to make) contracts in future we hope we shall
have a certain discount off the price.
If nothing extraordinary (to happen) we shall practice fob Tilbury terms.
If nothing extraordinary (to occur) we shall buy goods on fob terms.
If you (to prepare) it today we shall sign it today.
We shall sign it as soon as you (to prepare) it.
We shall sign it after we (to discuss) all these details.
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