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Our Production Director will take you to our production shop and you will see all... devices we are
offering to our customers at... present.
We have sold quite... lot of each type and we have not got... single complaint.
5. Choose the correct variant:
They (have, has) never failed our customers.
It (sound, sounds) very convincing.
And will the Production Director (coming, be coming) soon?
The secretary will invite him after we (have, had) coffee. 
You may (have, had) a copy of the latest organisation of our company.
6. Match English and Russian equivalents:
I haven't seen you for ages.
How are you getting on?
I hope you are doing well
too. Would you like some
coffee before we get down to
We could speak about our
business, if you don't mind. 
I agree with you here.
Вы хотите кофе, пока мы
не приступили к делам. 
Мы могли бы поговорить о
делах, если вы не возражаете. 
Я с вами согласен. 
Мы не виделись целую
вечность. Как у вас идут
Надеюсь, что у вас тоже
все хорошо.
7. Find equivalents in the text:
Мы рассмотрели ваш запрос на наши охранные устройства, и можем предложить вам очень
современные устройства. 
Можно, их посмотреть, раз уж я здесь?
Мне и генеральному директору будет намного легче решить, какие именно устройства нужно
Наш начальник производства покажет вам производственный цех.
Вы увидите все устройства, которые мы предлагаем сейчас нашим покупателям.
Мы уже продали достаточно большое количество. Мы не получили ни одной жалобы. 
Они ни разу не подвели наших покупателей. 
Это звучит очень убедительно.
8. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:
— I believe we could get down to business, if you don't...
— I agree with you here. We studied... and we could offer...
— Could I see...? When it will be much easier... range of devices to buy.
— No promlem. Our... take you to our production... and you will see all... We have sold... not a single...
They... failed...
— It sounds...
9. Translate into Russian:
Frank said they had not met for ages.
He asked Ivan how he was getting on.
Ivan answered that he was doing well.
When Frank asked him about his classes he understood that Frank was kidding a little.
Ivan confirmed that he liked the sessions and the Programme on the whole.
Before they got down to business Frank asked him if he wanted some coffee or tea.
Frank also said the secretary would bring some coffee very soon.
10. Have a look at the organigram of Mr. Freiser's company and say for what each director was
11. Say what director Mr. Freiser was, to your mind.
12. Imagine you work for a certain company. Make its organigram.
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