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Extreme, approach, greeting, electric, streets, would reach, surprised, protection, grateful, trousers,
streamed, presence, oppressed, break, tracing, principally, attractive, striking, brow, congratulate,
prize,undergraduates, drama, brother, crisis.
4. plosive + plosive
Bought cardigans, made coffee, front door, escaped quickly, would be, would take, had got, fact,
refectory, would devote.
0 Exercise 3
Comment on the phonetic phenomena in the following clusters.
1. Chosen the subject, did this, confessed that, all there, beyond those, assumed that the ulcer.
2. That she, greed for books, bought herself, could hear, blurred faces, slippered feet, asked her friend,
found her way, had shed, had your hair, second year, don't you.
3. Through, three.
0 Exercise 4
Say what kind of false assimilation one should avoid in the following clusters.
1. Of being, of working, of belonging, of complaining, of triumphant, of boots, of his.
2. Was still, as taking, as close, as she, which she, like those, was stirring, was the neatest.
0 Exercise 5
Transcribe the following words with negative prefixes.
Uneasy, unerringly, disbelief, unblemished, unmarried.
0 Exercise 6
Transcribe and intone the questions. Compare the intonation pattern of a general and a special question.
'But 'don
t you 'ever 'go
out?' |
asked her
friend An,thea. || 
Why don
t you 'find a 'flat of your \own? ||
Comprehension Check
What was the main advantage of being at college?
Why did Ruth consider herself rich?
What did Ruth like about working in the library?
What did Ruth do while reading?
How did Ruth change her image?
When did Ruth leave for the university?
How did Ruth spend her day in the college?
Why did Ruth and Anthea become friends?
What sort of questions would Anthea ask?
10. What change took place at the end of the second year in Ruth?
11. What did Ruth do to find a new style of life?
12. When did Anthea say that she was not sure whether Ruth was all 
13. What kind of gesture accompanied Anthea's words and what did it 
14. What did Richard Hirst look like?
15. What kind of responsibilities did Richard have?
16. What kind of lifestyle did Richard have?
17. What did Richard speak of into Ruth's ear? 
18. What did Ruth think and do?
Exercise 1
Find in the text words denoting:
— a short piece of writing on one particular subject that is written by a student;
— a class, usually at college or university, where the teacher and the students discuss a particular topic or
— a long essay that a student does as part of a degree;
— financial aid that the government gives to an individual or to an organisation for a particular purpose
such as education, welfare, home, improvements;
— a student at a university or college who has not yet taken his or her first degree;
— a person who has a first degree from a university and who is doing research at a more advanced level;
— someone who has left school or college before they have finished their studies;
— a long piece of written research done for a higher university degree, especially a PhD*;
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