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4. Мы дружим с детства.
5. Когда-то мы ходили в кино раз в неделю.
VI. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. The US consists of ... states. 
a) 38, b) 49, c) 50, d) 51.
2.High school is ... .
a) a college, b) a university, c) a very good school, d) upper grades of secondary school.
3. The English colonization of the American continent began in the ...,.
a) 15th century, b) 16th century, c) 17th century, d) 18th century.
4. Bill Clinton is the ... President of the US. a) 40th, b) 41st, c) 42nd, d) 43d.
5. "Alice in Wonderland" was written by ... . 
a) Jane Austen, b) Muriel Spark, c) Lewis Carroll, d) Iris Murdock.
Test 15
I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
The father of a famous English actress didn't allow her to marry an astor. Nevertheless, one day
he was told that his daughter had secretly married one of the actors of his company. The father got
angry and decided to punish them both. "Why did you marry an actor when I told you not to do it,"
he shouted at her, "and besides he is the worst actor in my company who can hardly be called an
actor!" — "So dear father, I have obeyed your orders," said the young actress. I have married
someone whom you can't call an actor."
1. What did the young actress do against her father's will?
2. What was the father's mistake?
II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.
The father of a famous English actress didn't allow her to marry an actor.
III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.
Rob Jonkins almost (1 — have) a nervous breakdown and his doctor (2 — advise) him to go to
a quiet and peaceful place.
Rob (3 — decide) (4 — go) to Cornwall the next weekend. Penquay (5 — be) a very small
fishing village. There (6 — be) no trains <?r buses to Penquay so he (7 — have) to drive. It (8 —
be) a long journey, and Rob (9 — arrive) late on Friday evening. He (10 — meet) by the landlady
of the quest house, Mrs Doone. He (11 — show) to his room. Rob (12 — be) very tired and (13 —
go) straight to bed. He (14 — sleep) well and not (15 — wake) up until nine o'clock the next
Rob (16 — go) downstairs for breakfast. Because there (17 — be) no other guests Mrs Doone
(18 — invite) him to have breakfast with her and her daughter, Catherine, who already (19— come)
to the dining room. She (20 — be) about thirteen years old. Mrs Doone (21 — go) to the kitchen
— prepare) breakfast. Rob and
Catherine (23 — look) at each. other nervously for a few
seconds, before Rob asked why there (24 — be) four places at the table. Catherine (25 — say) it (26
— be) her father's place, who (27— go) out in his boat three years before and never (28 — return).
Nobody (29 — know) what (30 — happen) to him. But mother always (31 — keep) that place for
him, because she (32 — hope) he (33 — come) back. "My mother (34 — wait) for him for three
years," said Catherine.
Rob (35 — see) a photograph on the wall and (36 — stare) at the empty chair. Suddenly he (37
— hear) footsteps outside the door and (38 — see) a tall man, with black beard he (39 — see) in the
photograph, enter the room. Rob (40 — rush) out of the room.
IV. Выберите правильный вариант.
1. ... Petrovs have moved into a new flat. 
a) – , b) A, c) An, d) The.
2. ... time I meet her she is walking with a dog. 
a) Some, b) Any, c) Every, d) All.
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