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the latter. Still, as the actual initial form of a particular nomination paradigm within the general paradigmatic
scheme of nomination can prove a lexeme of any word-class, we are enabled to speak about the concrete
"derivational perspective" of this or that series, i.e. to identify nomination paradigms with a nounal (N
verbal (V
>), adjectival (A>), and adverbial (D>), derivational perspectives.
- to empower - powerful - powerfully 
>to suppose
- supposition - supposed - supposedly 
- clarity - to clarify - clearly 
- outing - to out - outer
The nomination paradigm with the identical form of the stem for all the four stages is not represented on the
whole of the lexicon; in this sense it is possible to speak of lexemes with a complete paradigm of nomination
and lexemes with an incomplete paradigm of nomination. Some words may even stand apart from this
paradigm, i.e. be nominatively isolated (here belong, for instance, some simple adverbs).
On the other hand, the universal character of the nomination paradigm is sustained by suppletive
completion, both lexemic and phrasemic. Cf:.
an end - to end - final - finally 
good - goodness - well - to better
evidence - evident - evidently - to make evident 
wise - wisely - wisdom - to grow wise, etc.
The role of suppletivity within the framework of the lexical paradigm of nomination (hence, within the
lexicon as a whole) is extremely important, indeed. It is this type of suppletivity, i.e. lex-emic suppletivity, that
serves as an essential factor of the open character of the notional lexicon of language.
§   9. Functional words re-interpreted by syntactic approach also reveal some important traits that remained
undiscovered in earlier descriptions.
The essence of their paradigmatic status in the light of syntactic interpretation consists in the fact that the
lists of functional words may be regarded as paradigmatic series themselves - which, in their turn, are
grammatical constituents of higher paradigmatic series at the level of phrases and especially sentences.
As a matter of fact, functional words, considered by their role in the structure of the sentence, are proved to
be exposers of various syntactic categories, i.e. they render structural meanings referring to phrases and
sentences in constructional forms similar to derivational (word-building) and relational (grammatical)
morphemes in the composition of separate words. Cf:.
The words were obscure, but she understood the uneasiness that produced them.
> The words were
obscure, weren't they? How then could she understand the uneasiness that produced them?
> Or per
haps the
words were not too obscure, after all? Or, conversely, she didn't understand the uneasiness that produced them?
> But the words were obscure. Haw obscure they were! Still she did understand the uneasiness that produced
them. Etc.
This role of functional words which are identified not by their morphemic composition, but by their
semantico-syntactic features in reference to the embedding constructions, is exposed on a broad linguistic basis
within the framework of the theory of paradigmatic syntax (see further).
§   10. Pronouns considered in the light of the syntactic principles receive a special systemic status that
characteristically stamps the general presentation of the structure of the lexicon as a whole.
Pronouns are traditionally recognized on the basis of indicatory (deictic) and substitutional semantic
functions. The two types of meanings form a unity, in which the deictic semantics is primary. As a matter of
fact, indication is the semantic foundation of substitution.
As for the syntactic principle of the word stock division, while recognizing the deictic aspect of pronouns, it
lays a special stress on their substitutive features. Indeed, it is the substitutional function that immediately
isolates all the heterogeneous groups of pronouns into a special set of the lexicon.
The generalizing substitutional function of pronouns makes them into syntactic representatives of all the
notional classes of words, so that a pronominal positional part of the sentence serves as a categorial projection
of the corresponding notional subclass identified as the filler set of the position in question. It should be clearly
understood that even personal pronouns of the first and second persons play the cited representative role,
which is unambiguously exposed by examples with direct addresses and appositions. Cf.:
I, Little Foot, go away making noises and tramplings. Are you happy, Lil
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