He understood my request. >He seemed to understand my request. Now they consider the suggestion.
>Now they do consider the suggestion.
The third class of syntactic derivational procedures includes the processes of substitution. Among the
substitutes we find personal pronouns, demonstrative-substitute pronouns, indefinite-substitute pronouns, as
well as substitutive combinations of half-notional words. Cf.:
The pupils ran out of the classroom. >They ran out of the classroom. 1 want another pen, please. >I want
another one, please.
The fourth class of the procedures in question is formed by processes of deletion, i.e. elimination of some
elements of the sentence in various contextual conditions. As a result of deletion the corresponding reduced
constructions are produced. E.g:.
Would you like a cup of tea? >A cup of tea? It's a pleasure! >Pleasure!
The liith class of syntactic derivational procedures includes processes of positional arrangement, in
particular, permutations (changes of the word-order into the reverse patterns). E.g.:
The man is here. >Is the man here? Jim ran in with an excited cry. >In ran Jim with an excited cry.
The sixth class of syntactic derivational procedures is formed by processes of intonattonal arrangement, i.e.
application of various functional tones and accents. This arrangement is represented in written and typed speech
by punctuation marks, the use of different varieties of print, the use of various modes of underlining and other
graphical means. E.g.:
We must go. >We must go? We? Must go?? You care nothing about what I feel. >You care nothing about
what / feel!
The described procedures are all functionally relevant, i.e. they serve as syntactically meaningful dynamic
features of the sentence. For various expressive purposes they may be applied either singly or, more often than
not, in combination with one another. E.g.:
We finish the work>We are not going to finish it.
For the production of the cited sentence-transform the following procedures are used: morphological
change, introduction of functional words, substitution, intonational arrangement. The functional
(meaningful) outcome of the whole process is the expression of the modal future combined with a negation in a
dialogue response. Cf.:
Are we ever going to finish the work? > Anyway, we are not going to finish it today!
§ 4. The derivational procedures applied to the kernel sentence introduce it into two types of derivational
relations in the sentential paradigmatic system: first, the "constructional" relations; second, the "predicative"
relations. The constructional derivation effects the formation of more complex clausal structures out of simpler
ones; in other words, it provides for the expression of the nominative-notional syntactic semantics of the
sentence. The predicative derivation realizes the formation of predicatively different units not affecting the con-
structional volume of the base; in other words, it is responsible for the expression of the predicative syntactic
semantics of the sentence. Both types of derivational procedures form the two subsystems within the general
system of syntactic paradigmatics.
§ 5. As part of the constructional system of syntactic paradigmatics, kernel sentences, as well as other,
expanded base-sentences undergo derivational changes into clauses and phrases.
The transformation of a base sentence into a clause can be called "clausalization". By way of clausalization
a sentence is changed into a subordinate or coordinate clause in the process of subordinative or coordinative
combination of sentences. The main clausalizing procedures involve the use of conjunctive words -
subordinators and coordinators. Since a composite sentence is produced from minimum two base sentences, the
derivational processes of composite sentence production are sometimes called "two-base transformations".
For example, two kernel sentences They arrived and They relieved me of my fears (> I was relieved of my
fears), combined by subordinative and coordinative clausalizing, produce the following constructions:
>When they arrived I was relieved of my fears. >If they arrive, I shall be relieved of my fears. > Even
though they arrive, I shan't be relieved of my fears. Etc. > They arrived, and I was relieved of my fears. >
They arrived, but I was not relieved of my fears. Etc.
The transformation of a base sentence into a phrase can be called "phrasalization". By phrasalization a