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Qualities: patience, courage, determination, goodwill, charm, stamina, reliability, loyalty, energy,
experience, commitment, talent creativity, intelligence, training.
E. g. soldier a lot of courage, determination, stamina, loyalty and a lot of training.
Could I have … ? Practise asking for these everyday items and decide whether you must say "a" or
vinegar                 butter 
duster                  egg 
needle                  serviette 
thread                  helping 
sellotape                cup 
teabag                  water 
polish                  fruit
Key: some vinegar, a duster, a needle, some thread, some sellotape, a teabag, some polish, some butter,
an egg, a serviette, a helping, a cup, some water, some fruit.
What things which are always plural can be used to:
1. cut a hedge?
2. weigh something?
3. cut paper?
4. see better if you are near-sighted?
5. get a splinter out of your skin?
6. look at distant objects?
7. get a nail out of a piece of wood?
8. pull out a tooth?
Key: 1 shears; 2 scales; 3 scissors; 4 glasses; spectacles; 5 tweezers; 6 binoculars; 7 pincers; pliers; 8
Put in the correct words
I'm long-sighted, I wear glasses to read.             a glass/glasses 
1. You can't wear…  to a Job interview.                  a jean/jeans
2. There must be two…  in the wash.                     shorts/pairs of shorts
3. I need a…   to spread the butter.                         knife/pair of knives
4. I need…   to cut this article out.                         a scissor/some scissors
5. I found a…   in the drawer.                                 tights/pair of tights
6. I'm going to buy… .                                            a pyjama/some pyjamas
Key 1 jeans, 2 pairs of shorts, 3 knife, 4 some scissors, 5 pair of tights, 6 some pyjamas
In each case, one of the examples is wrong. Which?
1. Company is often used for: actors, opera singers, swimmers
2. Cast is often used for people in: a play, a book, a film
3. Crew is often used for the staff of: an ambulance, a plane, a hospital
4. Team is often used for: doctors, scientists, passengers
5. Staff is often used for people working: in a school, on a train, in an office.
Key: 1 swimmers; 2 a book; 3 a hospital; 4 passengers; 5 on a train.
Match the words in the list on the left with their partner on the right
1. a hive of          quail
2. a pack of         lions
3. a shoal of        wolves
4. a pride of         bees
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