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2. What did Monet constantly observe in Le Havre when he was a boy?
3. What did Monet submit to the Salon in 1867? What is depicted in this painting? What did
Monet establish in this painting? What was hard for Monet's contemporaries to accept? What was
Manet's attitude to this painting?
4. Where was Monet during the disorder of 1870-1871? What did he study there?
5. What did Monet set up in 1873? What did Monet depict in the Gare Saint-Lazare in Paris?
What offered to Monet a tissue of changing light and colour? What colour did the Impressionists
eliminate from their palette? Why was the Gare Saint-Lazare in Paris the product of several
6. Why did Monet have to work in series? What series did Monet paint? What appealed to
Monet? What did Monet exhibit in 1895? What does the painting known as Rouen Cathedral in
Full Sunlight represent?
7. What are Monet's most magical pictures? What do they show? What battle did Monet win?
What environment did Monet construct? What did Monet symbolically do?
III. i. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:
a recently vacated studio; public derision; a revolutionary painting; an instantaneous glimpse;
to observe ships; the unending stream of time; to devise new methods; to record the immediate
impression of light on smth; to establish a new Impressionist subject; successful from the artistic
point of view; to single out moments; landscape painting; to record in series; a lacy faзade.
ii. Give English equivalents of the following phrases: 
удачная с художественной точки зрения (картина); недавно освободившееся ателье;
презрение публики; пейзажная живопись; ажурный фасад; новаторская картина; написать
серию работ; наблюдать за кораблями; бесконечный поток времени; разработать новые
методы; создать новый образ; момент восприятия света; запечатлеть непосредственное
отражение света.
ii. Make 'p questions of yoir own with the given phrases.
iv. Arrange the following in the pairs of synonyms: 
a) to establish; to demonstrate; impressive; flank; derision; streak; blob; 
b) to show; to found; moving; lateral edge; contempt; stripe; a huge lump.
IV. Here are descriptions of some of Monet's works of art. Match them up to the titles given
1. In this painting Monet demonstrated that colour belongs not to the object but to the moment
of the visual experience.
2. In this picture the new Impressionist subject - the moment of experience in light was
3. The iron-and-glass train shed offered to Monet a tissue of changing light and colour,
dominated by blue and silver.
4. The painting represents the moment just about noon when the low winter sun is still striking
the southern flanks of the massive masonry.
a. Rouen Cathedral in Full Sunlight
b. Gare Saint-Lazare in Paris
c. Impression - Sunrise, Le Havre
d. Women in the Garden
V. Translate the text into English.
Клод Моне является истинным главой школы импрессионистов. В его произведениях
воплотилась основная идея импрессионизма - идея света и воздуха. Мир Моне с его
растворяющимися предметами постепенно лишается материальности и превращается в
гармонию световых пятен.
Моне нередко писал один и тот же вид в разное время суток и в разное время года.
Таковы его серии "Стога" и "Руанский собор". Беглыми, как будто небрежными мазками
Моне создавал впечатление колышущегося от ветра поля или полной движения улицы
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