a. The Laughing Cavalier
b. Banquet of the Officers of the Saint George Guard Company
c. Regentesses of the Old Man's Almshouse
d. Malle Babbe
V. Translate the text into English.
Франс Халс - крупнейший портретист Голландии XVII в. Халс написал серию
групповых портретов. Это в основном изображения членов добровольных стрелковых гиль-
дий города Гарлема. "Портрет офицеров гильдии святого Георга" (1616) является одним из
лучших. Яркие краски, непринужденное расположение фигур - нравились современникам
Халса. С полотен смотрят плотные, уверенные в своих силах люди средних лет. Халс
изображает их обычно в товарищеской пирушке. Групповые портреты Халса - одно из
высших достижений голландской живописи.
Индивидуальные портреты Халса носят черты жанровой картины. Лучшим примером
этого является портрет старухи, "гарлемной ведьмы", Малле Баббе, с совой на плече.
Эскизная манера была типична для Халса. Незадолго до смерти Халс написал два групповых
портрета обитателей приюта для престарелых, в одном из которых он окончил свои дни. На
портретах изображены старые люди, покорившиеся времени. Монохромный колорит
портретов создает особый трагизм, подчеркивая драматизм судьбы самого больного,
одинокого и нищего художника, создавшего свои самые драматические произведения на
девятом десятке жизни.
Искусство Халса имело большое значение для развития портрета, бытового жанра,
пейзажа и натюрморта в целом.
VI. Summarize the text.
Vll. Topics for discussion.
1. Hals's style and characters.
2. Hals's artistic achievements.
Rembrandt van Rijn is the greatest Dutch master, one of the supreme geniuses in the history of
art. To this day the art of Rembrandt remains one of the most profound witnesses of the progress of
the soul in its earthly pilgrimage toward the realization of a higher destiny. The son of a prosperous
miller, Rembrandt was born in Leiden in 1608. He was trained as a painter by two minor local
artists. His rapid success promoted him to move to Amsterdam in 1631.
In 1632 Rembrandt's worldly success was assured. He had more commissions and pupils than
he could accept. He married Suskia van Uylenburg, the lovely daughter of a wealthy family. He
bought a splendid house, started a collection of paintings and rarities.
The universal artist dealt with many world subjects. Rembrandt painted, engraved and drew
more than eighty self-portraits. Rembrandt was a master of portraiture. He created around fifty
The best group portraits painted by Rembrandt are the Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp, of 1632,
and The Night Watch, of 1642. In the former Rembrandt has not only painted faces, beards and lace
ruffles, he has given the composition a new drama. Mystery dominates in his painting, reminding
the living of their own inevitable destiny. As for The Night Watch, the members of the Company of
Captain F.B. Cocq were dissatisfied with the colossal group portrait. The subject of the painting is
the formation of the militia company for a parade. Through wonderful effective lightning
Rembrandt has turned a narrative prose into a dramatic poetry. Real events are submerged in the
symphonic tide of the colouring. All the men paid equally to have themselves depicted, yet some
are sunk in a shadow, one man is concealed except for his eyes. It was inevitable that Rembrandt
would lose popularity as a portrait painter, although not at once.
In Amsterdam Rembrandt began to paint in a highly imaginative Baroque style. He was
influenced by Caravaggio's sharp light-and-dark contrasts and by Rubens's spiral compositions. A
brilliant example of this is the Angel Leaving Tobit and Tobias, of 1637. Rembrandt has followed