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To his contemporaries Raphael's death seemed the end of an era, but a closer look shows that,
in a way, the High Renaissance synthesis of Classical and Christian had already started to dissolve.
Inevitably, it was an unstable equilibrium. Nonetheless the great solution remained, on the walls of
the Vatican, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and in the churches and palaces of Florence and
Rome. Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael left a vision of the powers of the human being and the
grandeur of human imagination that had not been approached since the days of the ancient Greeks.
These solutions continued to inspire artists in every century after the short-lived High Renaissance
itself passed into history.
Make sure you know how to pronounce the/allowing words:
Raphael [
]; Urbino [
]; messiah [
]; tiara [
]; Wittenburg
]; Martin Luther [
]; Pantheon [
]; Eucharist
]; Elijah [
]; Matthew [
]; Luke [
]; Ingres [
]; luminous
Marriage of the Virgin - "Обручение Марии"
Madonna of the Meadows - "Мадонна в зелени"
Disputa (Disputation over the Sacrament) - "Богословие" или "Диспута"
Schools of Athens- "Афинская школа"
Sistine Madonna - "Сикстинская Мадонна"
Transfiguration of Christ - "Преображение"
Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de'Medici and Luigi de'Rossi
- "Портрет папы Льва X с
кардиналом Джулиано де Медичи и Луиджи де Росси"
Stanza della Segnatura [
] – Станца делла Сеньятура "зал
Eucharist - евхаристия, святое причастие
The Vatican [
] - Ватикан
Good Friday - Великая пятница, пятница на страстной
I. Read the text. Mark the following statements true or false
1. In Raphael's art the High Renaissance ideal of harmony comes to its most complete
2. In 1505 in Rome Raphael achieved immediate success.
3. The Sistine Madonna recalls the Madonna of the Rocks.
4. Raphael, invited by Sixtus IV to paint the Stanza of the Vatican, retained the position as
court painter until his death.
5. Raphael came to the threshold of the Baroque.
6. The 20-th century painters turned to Raphael as the messiah.
II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?
1. Whose styles did Raphael absorb?
2. What did Raphael paint in 1504? What is depicted in this picture?
3. What was Raphael fond of painting during his three-year stay in Florence? Which one was
the loveliest? How did Raphael group the figures?
4. What was the first room frescoed by Raphael? What frescoes is it possible to single out from
the complex iconographic programme? What do these frescoes represent? What brought Raphael to
the threshold of the Baroque style?
5. What painting represents the pinnacle of Raphael's achievements? How are the Virgin and
the Child depicted? What do the saints symbolize?
6. Whose portrait did Raphael paint in 1517? What year was it? How did Raphael portray the
sitter? What did he want to show?
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