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власти, администрация
to look after
следить за, присматри
вать за
to choose (chose, chosen)
to run
управлять, руководить
to run a station
направлять деятельность
to run a shop
владеть магазином
1. Read the following:
the British
many of them delivered to their home
the quality newspapers
the popular newspapers
the home of the nation's newspaper
moved their headquarters
in the eastern part
one of the great pastimes 
the ВВС 
the IBA
2. Insert articles:
... British are... nation of newspaper readers.
Many of them have... daily paper delivered to their home.
Fleet Street was... home of... nation's newspapers till... recent past.
Docklands is... newly developed business centre in... eastern part of London.
... Financial Times is widely read by businessmen. 
Watching television is one of... great British pastimes. Broadcasting in... United Kingdom is controlled
by... ВВС and... IBA. 
... ВВС receives its income from... government.
... private companies controlled by... IBA earn money from advertising.
3. Insert prepositions:
The IBA is responsible... looking... the regional independent TV companies.
They also broadcast programmes they have bought... other regions.
National radio is controlled... the ВВС. 
Listeners can choose... four stations. 
Some local stations are run... the ВВС. 
Their programmes consist mainly... music and local news.
4. Sum up what the text said about:
•  English newspapers
• the ВВС
• the IBA
Сравнительные степени прилагательных Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Большинство прилагательных имеют сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения.
Как правило, односложные прилагательные образуют сравнительную степень с помощью
суффикса -ег, а превосходную — с помощью суффикса -est. Например:
warm — warmer — warmest
Многосложные прилагательные образуют сравнительную степень с помощью слова more, а
превосходную — с помощью слова most. Например:
serious — more serious — most serious
Некоторые прилагательные образуют степени сравнения не по правилам. Например:
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