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Open the brackets.
• I
come here
my friends
my wife
my son
my daughte
• Let me buy you
a drink 
some beer
some wine
some lager 
some bittel
6. Say in what way the following questions are formed:
What would you like to have?
Would you like the game of darts?
Can you show me how to play the game?
7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:
— This looks...
— I like... I sometimes come here... Let me buy... What would you...?
— Thank you. Just... Well, two halves... and lager, if you...
— Two halves... And four packs...
— Seven...
— Here... Thank...
— Let's go to... Cheers!
— Ah,... beer, indeed.
— I'm not a beer... but... Would you like the game...? It's very...
— Yes, but... Can you...
— Certainly, come... You...
Повелительное наклонение 
Imperative Mood
Утвердительная форма
2-е л. Speak English,
please. 1-е л. мн. ч. Let's
speak English.
Don't speak Russian.
Don't let's speak Russian
8. Translate into Russian:
• Let's translate it into
Russian. Make sentences.
• Complete the
dialogue. Act out
similar dialogues.
• Let's do this exercise. 
Don't let's read this text.
• Let's read it again. 
Look up this word! 
Let's see this film! 
• Let's visit one of the
9. Write down a few questions you would ask an
Englishman about pubs.
you would ask — которые бы вы задали
10. Agree or disagree:
• There are a few English pubs in Moscow.
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