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sentences. Complete the unfinished sentences.
Now do the exercises related to simple sentence patterns in Unit 1 of Section II [Part II]. Then continue with
part II, III and IV of this unit (Expanded Simple Sentences, Compound Sentences; and Complex Sentences).
II. Expanded Simple Sentences
All simple sentence patterns may be expanded by the addition of modifying words and phrases.
If a noun is preceded by modifiers of more than one class, the general order is determiners, then adjectives,
then participles, and last, nouns.
A. Types of Modifiers that can precede the noun:
Notice how this unusual combination would appear in a sentence.
Example:The city will demolish those houses.
               The city will demolish those five red brick houses. 
               Those houses are unsafe. 
               Those five fine old red dilapidated brick houses are unsafe.
B. Types of Modifiers that follow the noun:
Adverbs of place — e.g. «there»; «inside» 
«I like the food in there». 
«I smelled smoke inside».
2. Prepositional phrases (phrases beginning with a preposition)
«I like the food in that restaurant».
3. Adjectives following the direct object/complement.
«He likes his coffee hot». 
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