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(a) a research article
(b) a review of research in a given field
(c) a theoretical article.
B. Using I and II above as an inventory checklist, see how many of the items listed for each type of article
can be found in each of the abstracts.
Abstract No. 1
Kufeldt, Kathleen & Nimmo, Margaret (Faculty Social Welfare U Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4), Youth on the
Street: «Abuse and Neglect in the Eighties», CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, 1987, 11, 4, 531-542.
A report on an interview study of runaways & homeless youth (n = 489) conducted over a 1-year period in
Calgary, Alberta. Analysis reveals two distinct groups: the true «runners» tend to leave their homes with the
intention of not returning & thus their runs are extended: «in & outers» use the run as a temporary coping
mechanism & their runs tend to be impulsive & of short duration. Findings also indicate that runaways, in
particular the runners, are at great risk of being drawn into illegal activities; major factors affecting this risk are
distance from home & length of time on the run. A significant proportion of Rs had run from substitute care
arrangements. Results imply that adolescents in Canadian society suffer from systemic abuse & neglect. This
researh led to the opening of a safe house for early runners in Jan. 1987. The operation of the house includes
careful compilation of data to further advance understanding of the runaway population & its needs. 4 Tables, 6
Figures, 1 Appendix, 19 References. Modified HA (Copyright 1989, Socioligical Abstracts, Inc., all rights
Abstract No. 2
Tinsley, Barbara J. & Parke, Ross D. (Dept Speech Communication U Illinois, Urbana 61801),
«Grandparents as Interactive and Social Support Agents for Families with Young Infants», INTERNATIONAL
The role of grandparents in infant development is investigated in a comparative analysis of grandparent-
infant grandchild & parent-child interaction patterns in 30 Caucasian Mc families. The extent to which
grandparents serve as social support agents for their adult children & grandchildren is also examined.
Observations of dyadic play sessions between 51 grandparents & their 30 7-month old grandchildren were com-
pared with those between the infants & their parents using both time-sampling & global coding schemes;
information on grandparental support relative to other social support services was obtained via questionnaires
completed by both parents & grandparents. Results indicate that both grandmothers & grandfathers are
interactive & support agents, with a pattern of similarities & differences in interactive style evident across
generation & gender. There is a high degree of overlap in parent and grandparent interaction style, but parents
appear more competent; both parents & grandparents report a high degree of satisfaction with their level of
intergenerational contact. Results support an expanded view of the effects of various agents in young children's
social environments. 3 Tables, 40 References. Modified HA (Copyright, 1989, Sociological Abstracts, Ins., all
rights reserved).
Abstract No. 3
Chovanes, Andrew B. «On Vietnamese and other Peasants», JOURNAL OF SOUTHEAT ASIAN
STUDIES (Singapore) 1986 17(2): 203-235. There are serious theoretical and methodological issues
concerning revolutionary activity. These are examined in extensive critiques of James Scott's The Moral
Economy of the Peasantry and Samuel Popkin's The Rational Peasant, both studies of the Vietnamese peasant's
role in the revolution, in the light of other work on peasants. Proposed is a «transcultural grammar that would
view history as non-pro-gressional, not the inevitable outcome of class conflict, the most revolutionary group as
that with nothing to lose, the presence of organizational factors which provide a new form of consciousness».
175 notes.
P.M. Gustafson
Abstract No. 4
Vasquez, John A. «Capability, types of War, Peace». WESTERN POLITICAL QUARTERLY 1986 39(2):
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