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idem (no period; sometimes id.) "the same" (person)
i.e. id est "that is" Rarely capitalized; no space between; preceded and followed by comma. Ger. «d.h.»
illus.     illustrated, -or, -ion(s)
infra (not inf.) "below" Cf. «post» and see «supra.» Since the English word has the same number of letters.
The use of the Latin may be thought affectation. Many editors consider «see below (or above)» preferable,
although others, particulary edi-tors of classical journals, warn that «above» and «below» can occasionally be
mistaken for references to the physical position of objects in an illustration.
introd. introduction («by» understood in context)
1., 11. line(s) It is often advisable to indicate clearly in the margin that the letter 1 and not Arabic 1 or 11 is
intended. Better still, spell it out or (for poetry) use «vs.»
lang., langs. language(s)
loc. cit. (not I.e.) loco citato "in the place (passage) cited," i.e., in the same passage referred to in a recent
note. Never follow «loc. cit.» with a page number. Ger. «a.a.O.»
MS, MSS— manuscript(s) (as «the many MSS of Chaucer») But spell MS. with a period when referring to a
specific manuscript, as «Bodleian MS. Tanner 43.»
n., nn. note(s) (as «p. 56, n. 3») Commonly used instead of «fn.»; occasionally spelled «p. 56n» (italicized,
no period). Ger. «Am.»
N.B. nota bene "take notice, mark well"
n.d. no date, i.e., in a book's imprint Ger. «o.J.»; Fr. «s.d.» and Sp. «s.f.»
no., nos. number(s) Cf. «numb.»
n.p. no place, i.e., of publication Ger. «o.O.»; Fr. and Sp. «s.l.»
N.S. (or NS) New Series, New Style numb. numbered
op. cit. (not o.c.) opere citato "in the work cited" This is the most abused of scholarly abbreviations and
many editors have expressed a wish to see it abandoned. Some journals and presses never use it. It is properly
used in citing a passage on a different page (cf. «loc. cit.») of a work recently noted, but in such cases the
author's name alone may suffice or his name and a short title may be clearer. Sp. «obra cit.»
O.S. (or OS) Old Series, Original Series, Old Style
p., pp. page(s) Avoid capitalizing: write «Pages» instead of «Pp.»; omit if volume numbers precedes. Ger.
«S.»; Sp. «pag., pags.»
par., pars. paragraph(s)
passim "throughout the work, here and there" (as pp. 78, 113, et passim»)
per cent (no period)
philol. philological
philos. philosophical
pi., pis. plate(s)
post "after" Cf. «infra.» 
pref. preface
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