1. (para.5) What are the defining characteristics of «these civilized diseases?» (1,60) __________________
Cite two examples of «civilized diseases» (a)________________(b)
2. (para. 6) Why was it once necessary to recruit urban population from the countryside?
3. A. (para. 7) How does the language «shift» (1,83) in ancient Mesopotamia seem to illustrate the effects of
«civilized diseases»?
B. What language was originally spoken by the «in-migrants»? (1, 87)
. What language did they speak after they migrated?_____
4. What other examples does the writer give of language «shifts»
related to the effects or «civilized diseases»?
A. In_________, the language shifted from__________to
(city) (language)
B. In_____, the language shifted from ________to
(city) (language)
(language )
5. (para. 8) «Armies constituted another significant population sump». (11. 101)
A. What else constituted a significant «population sump?» B. How does a «population sump» function?
6. (paras. 9-10) Peasants who left the countryside migrated to one of these 3 destinations.
7. (para. 10)
A. What health advantage did city people have over country people?
B. How was this advantage useful in making lands available for settlement?
8. (para.15) «Two more migration patterns» (1,189) These involved
1._______who moved toward the________.
2._________who moved toward the_______.
9. (paras. 17-18) Give 2 examples of elites who moved away from the cities.
10. (para.19) Raiding and robbery are directly related to the phenomenon of (limit 2 words)
A. «Effors at defense»(l. 273) were made by ____elites.
B. The war chariot (1. 276) is mentioned as an example of
12 (para. 26) Two sources of the manpower needs of civilized elites were