11.A. In para.21 the cult of disposability is contrasted with the cult of___________________________.
B. Explain what each of these terms means.
12.Para.24 begins with the question: «Is the Millian or the Marxian view correct»?
a. Which of the two views predicts the eventual transformation of capitalism into an ideal economy? (Give
line numbers and first and last word of the passage in which the answer may be found): lines __to__:first
word:____last word:____
b. Why is the idea of a «stationary» capitalism, from a Marxian viewpoint, a contradiction in terms»? (II.
278), (Give line numbers and first and last word of the passage in which the answer may be found)
:lines:____to____: first word:______last word:____
c. Does Heilbroner tell us there might possibly be some hope that the capitalist class would agree to «the
elimination of the very activities that sustain it»? (II.302, 303). 1. Circle. Yes or No 2. Give line number and
first and last word of the passage in which the answer can be found. Lines___to__.
13. Heilbroner uses an analogy which he develops throughout this text (see especially para. 17). In the
analogy he compares ______________ to_______________.
1. «What disputes» go hand in hand «with water related tensions? (1,8-9)
a)_____________, b)______________,
2. Explain and find synonyms for «go hand in hand»(l,8 ) _______________,«to come under pressure»(l 1)
(1,18)_____________, «explicit discussion»(2,22)
________________, «to fight over»( 1,12, 13)
3. Skimming. Skim Box l"Water and the Middle East Peace Talks» and 1) find out a)what kind of talks are
held between different countries________________________
b) What are their official aims________________
2)Name a) five separate working groups:
b) four sets of multilateral water negotiations:
c) separate independent, unofficial discussions
4) Scanning. Scan Box 2 «Conflict over water in the myths, legends and ancient history of the Middle East»
and say what are the most intriguing legends or myths from your point of view, when they took place and why
you are interested in them.
5) Para.6. is about «the most pressing water conflicts in the Middle East». Where are they centered?
The Water Resources (II).
6. What are the major shared surface water supplies in the Middle East (II,2) and how do problems of water
quality affect the region(II,4,95)