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scene and the period of action. The scene is laid in England when the power there is in the hands of Normans.
The concrete place of action is the district of England watered by the river Don. There extended in ancient time
a large forest. The remains of this extensive forest are still to be seen. According to legends, there haunted the
fabulous Dragon. There were fought many battles during the Civil Wars of the Roses. As regards this line a few
comments from the course of history can be made. It is the so-called war of the White and the Red Roses. It
was caused by the struggle of the nobles in England for power. Now I continue. There also used to act bands of
gallant outlaws. Their deeds have been rendered popular in English song.
Further the author concentrates on the time of the events of the story. It refers to a period towards the reign
of Richard I. From the text we learn that he had not returned from his long captivity. One of the consequences
is that his subjects are being oppressed by the nobles. The nobles resume their ancient license. They behave
insolently and nothing interferes with their actions. They break their promises to the king, fortify their castles
and try to increase the number of their dependants. Each of them strives to become a strong figure. In
conclusion the author says that national convulsions are impending. It is worth noting that the very word
«convulsion» gives some idea of what to expect of this struggle.
Далее текст уже не из художественной литературы. Естественно, что его пересказ будет в большей
степени сопровождаться оборотами, характерными для стиля общенаучного изложения.
The text deals with the problem of running a theatre. From the text we learn that there are two systems of
running professional theatrical enterprises. They are: the so-called «repertory» system and. the «ad hoc»
system. Now I am going to dwell on them in detail. The first system is associated with the world's most famous
theatrical companies. This system involves a permanent producing organisation, It controls the theatre and
engages its actors to perform numerous plays. According to this system, once a play has been performed for
several nights it goes into repertoire. It means that the production is ready to be put on at any time. For that
reason such companies are often called repertory companies. But the author does not agree with that. In his
opinion, they are not «repertory companies», but stock companies, because they have in fact no repertoire.
The next paragraph is concerned with the work of actors in a repertory company. For actors who love their
profession this is the better system. But it can be hard for lazy actors. Further the author considers the other
system, (t is employed by the commercial theatres of London, Paris, New York and many other capitals. A
manager decides to do a ptay. He employs a director, a scene-design, a stage stuff and actors – simply to do the
one play. This system has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it offers a wide choice of actors
but on the other hand, more money is wasted with this system than with the first one.
In the last paragraph the author makes the conclusion that except wide choice of actors and actresses this
system is inferior to the permanent company and repertory system. These are the main points of the text.
И, наконец, приведем пример пересказа текста от лица, предложенного преподавателем, с
использованием имеющихся вспомогательных средств. Например, вам предложили сделать пересказ от
лица Кота. Вот один из возможных вариантов:
I was lying and warming myself in the sun. Suddenly a little girl appeared. She must have never dreamed
that she would see the real Cheshire Cat. So she was surprised. She felt confused and frightened. She didn't
believe her eyes. I got convinced that she is a pleasant girl because she talked to me with respect. She asked me
which way she ought to go from here. / had to explain to her that it depended on where she wanted to go. Of
course, she is mad or she wouldn't have come here. But she didn't admit it. She doesn't understand clear and
simple proofs. But / didn't get angry with her. It wasn't her fault. She is too little. I promised her that she would
see me at croquet with the Queen, and vanished. I imagine her surprise. It was so unexpected to her. But I was
only joking.
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