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The definite article «the» is being used because this word is regarded in its generic sense and it means all
the computers existing in the world. The indefinite article shows that this system is not specified. There are
other systems and it is only one of the whole range of different systems. The article is omitted before the word
«man» because neither all the people are implied nor a single person. So there is no need for an article. It means
human being in general.
7. What is the plural of «modus», the singular of «strata»? What is the comparative degree of the adverbs
«easily» and «early»?
The plural of «modus» is «modi» [moudai]. The singular of «strata» is «stratum» [stra-'tam]. Both of them
are of Latin origin. The comparative degree of «easily» is «more easily» , of «early» «earlier».
8. What is the form of the verb «to write» in the sentence: «They knew that the article would have been
written by that time.»
Future Perfect in the Past, Passive.
– And in the sentence: «They knew nothing of his having written the article?»
It is Perfect Gerund Active.
9. Find the predicate in the sentences:
«One important point should be mentioned.» 
«By that time the system will have been functioning for ten years.» 
«Overstatement is a frequent feature in political speeches.» 
What kind of predicate is it?
«Should be mentioned» is a Compound Verbal Predicate. «Should» is a modal verb here;
«will have been functioning» is a Simple Predicate, Future Perfect Continuous. «Will» is an auxiliary verb;
«is ... a feature» – a Compound Nominal Predicate. The verb «to be» in the form of Present Simple is a link-
10. What is the function of the verb «to have» in the sentence: «All news reporting in the press has to convey
a good deal of information in the most readable way.»
– It is a modal verb in a Compound Verbal Predicate. It expresses obligation or necessity. As compared with
the similar verbs «must» or «to be» it implies «forced by circumstances».
11. Give the opposite of «exact», «material» (adj.).
Exact means correct in every detail, free from error. So the opposite of «exact» may be «inexact»,
«inaccurate'», «incorrect», «material - immaterial».
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