Не успела Бренда выйти из магазина с новой отличной покупкой, как у не¸ отлетел каблук. А
она купила туфли в этом месяце. Бренда направилась в обувной магазин, твердо решив обменять их.
Продавец был готов обменять
туфли, но в продаже не было обуви этой модели. Бренда провела
полчаса в магазине, примеряя каждую пару своего размера. Но никакие туфли ей не подходили: одни
были слишком широки, другие жали, у третьих был слишком высокий каблук. Единственные туфли,
которые ей понравились, были слишком дорогие. Продавец посоветовал ей зайти на следующей
неделе, когда они получат новый товар.
Exercise 24
Write down the names of three major items you have bought recently. For each one, say whether you paid
a lot, a little, or an average price, how long it took you to find the item. Then say what kind of shop you
bought it in, and give reasons why.
Exercise 25
Discussion points.
1. Shopping is an important human activity.
2. It is worth spending a lot of time to get something cheap.
3. You should never buy things that harm the environment, however cheap or useful they may be.
4. Advertising provides useful information.
5. People often buy things they don't want because they are bargains.
6. Young people do not always buy wisely.
Exercise 26
I. Match the meanings on the left with the idiomatic expressions containing the word "shop" on the right.
1. to talk about work
A. to be all over the shop
2. stealing from shops
B. (on) the shop floor
3. workers; the place where
C. to talk shop
ordinary workers do their
4. in disorder, scattered
D. to go window-shopping
around different parts
of a place
5. looking at the goods in
5. shop-lifting
the windows of shops, but
not buying them
II. Explain the meaning of the italicized expressions with the word "money". Give their Russian
1. She's always going out to parties and fancy restaurants. She must have money to burn.
2. Alison was careful with her money but her sister threw her money about. She went to restaurants and
took taxis though she couldn't really afford it.
3. He spends money like there's no tomorrow. His parents left him an immense fortune.
4. You seem to be in the money these days. You're treating your friends to the most expensive dishes and
5. When he was a child, his pocket money was one pound.
Exercise 27
Translate the following quotations and comment upon them.
'To found a great empire for the sole purpose of raising up a people of customers, may at first sight appear
a project fit only for a nation of shopkeepers. It is, however, a project altogether unfit for a nation of
shopkeepers; but extremely fit for a nation that is governed by shopkeepers.'
Adam Smith.
'Do not buy what you want, but what you need; what you do not need is dear at a farthing.'
Cato the Elder.
'The customer is always right.'
H. Gordon Selfridge
'Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get
money from it.'
Stephen Butler Leacock
Exercise 28