want to pay in cash or by credit card takes you by surprise. Anyway, you pay and feel happy that you
have made a bargain, which puts you in a good mood.
Dear friends, make shopping entertaining. Shop together with your friends. Enjoy attractively designed
displays and well-dressed shoppers browsing through trendy items. Then you will definitely like it.
1. Look at the picture below and name all departments. Say what one can buy there.
2. Where can you buy the following items?
a pair of shoes
buttons, zips
a suit
a swimsuit
a hat
a cardigan
3. What can you buy in the following shops?
an antique shop
an art shop
a bookshop
a boutique
a florist's/flower shop
a furniture shop
a gift shop
a hi-fi store
an ironmonger's
a jeweller's
an optician's
a pet shop
a photographic shop
a radio shop
a record shop
a sports shop
a stationer's
a toy shop