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13. Уже стоя у кассы, она вдруг вспомнила, что забыла купить молока, и пошла назад к прилавку
с молочными продуктами.
14. Кассир сидела за кассовым аппаратом и наблюдала за тем, как покупатель выкладывал
продукты на ленту конвейера.
15. Очередь двигалась очень медленно, потому что у всех были груды покупок.
Exercise 24
In five minutes write what you buy often and seldom. Compare what you have written with the lists of
other students. Discuss the results and try to classify your classmates by putting them in certain categories of
shoppers. You can give the names to these categories yourselves.
Patterns: 1) I often buy bread, ...     I seldom buy caviar, ... 2) In my opinion, Kate is a careless
shopper, because ...
Exercise 25
Work in groups. Each group should make up a list of products which people usually buy at the age of ten.
fifteen, thirty, fifty, seventy. Compare your lists and discuss them agreeing, adding details or criticizing.
> Use:
I completely agree that.. 
I'm not sure that... 
There is no doubt that... 
I really doubt that... 
I also have the idea that 
I utterly disagree that 
Who would argue that... 
I don't think that...
Exercise 26
Discuss the following points in class.
1. What is preferable for you — to buy food in a big supermarket or in small shops? Why?
2. Where are the best shops for food in your city or town?
3. Speak about foodstuffs sold in your shops. Say whether they are shipped in or grown locally; say
which are expensive and inexpensive; say what foodstuffs which you might have seen in the shops abroad
are not sold in this country.
4. Do they sell foodstuffs under the counter nowadays? What kind of goods can those be?
5. Do you pay attention to the brand name when you buy food? If not, how do you make your choice?
6. What is your personal style of shopping for food? Do you buy at once or do you take your time to look
around for lower prices?
7. How often do you buy very expensive foodstuffs? What kind of products are those? When does it
Exercise 27
Match the English idioms in the left columnn with their Russian equivalents in the right column.
to put a hole in one's pocketbook
А. любой ценой
to go to pot
В. сбыть с рук 
to go for a song
С. ни за какие деньги 
at all costs
D. обойтись в копеечку 
to jack up the price
Е. вылететь в трубу 
to flood the market
F. пойти за бесценок 
to feather one's nest
G. быть не по карману 
not for love or money 
Н. платить втридорога 
to cost a pretty penny
I. нагреть руки 
10. to pay through the nose
J. наводнить рынок 
11. to get something off one's hands
К. набить цену
Exercise 28
Highlight the meanings of the English proverbs and make up situations to illustrate them.
1. Forbidden fruit is sweet.
2. Tastes differ.
3. Honey is sweet but the bee stings.
4. Take it or leave it.
Exercise 29
Translate the following quotations into Russian and comment upon them.
'The public buys its opinions as it buys its meat, or takes in its milk, on the principle that it is cheaper to
do this than keep a cow. So it is, but the milk is more likely to be watered.'
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