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Exercise 20
I. Say what and how much you should buy if you are going to make:
1) Russian beet and cabbage soup — borsch;
2) Salad which they call in Russia "Olivier salad";
3) An apple pie.
> Pattern: If I am going to make ... I will buy ....
II. Say what and how much you buy to cook your favourite dish.
III. Guess what a housewife was going to cook if her shopping list included:
1. 2 lbs beef; 1 lb pork; white bread; eggs; 1/2 lb onions, 1 bottle milk.
2. 2 lbs wheat flour; 1/2 doz eggs; 2 bottles milk; 1 pack yeast;
1/2 Ib sugar.
3. 1/2 lb rice; 1 lb smoked fish; 1 lb onions; 1/2 dbz eggs; 1 jar mayonnaise.
4. 4 lbs lamb; 2 lbs tomatoes; 2 lbs onions; 1 bottle dry white wine; 1 pack pepper.
5. 2 lbs pork; 1 bag potatoes; 1 lb carrots; 1 head cabbage; 1/2 lbs onions; 1 bunch celery; 1 bunch
parsley; 1 pack laurel leaves.
>Pattern: The housewife was going to cook ... if she bought....
Exercise 21
Standing in a queue at the check-out is a boring business. Some people invent games to make the time
pass quicker. One of them comes to guessing what people's lifestyles are likely to be judging by the contents
of their shopping baskets.
I. Read the following passages and try to say something about people's families, homes, lifestyles.
Body language can tell a stranger a lot about one's personality, so can the fruits of one's shopping
Yesterday I observed a beautiful young lady. While her little daughter begged unsuccessfully for a bun,
she was carefully choosing a shampoo, hair conditioner and bath perfume. Then she picked up a couple of
cinema magazines and went to the check-out.
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