b) Jean thought that she would ... a salad in the evening, probably with chicken.
5. (write; write out)
a) When Jean and he were together they sometimes ... letters to each other.
b) He always paid in cash and never ... cheques.
6. (carry; carry on)
a) A lot of women never ... heavy bags, as they think it to be not ladylike.
b) The people in the queue were interested in the end of the story and she ... with it.
7. (pass; pass down)
a) The woman at the till... the cardboard box to her husband and they both left.
b) Jean ... the rack with family-size cartons of cornflakes indifferently.
8. (come; come round)
a) Parting with her friend Jean tried to seem careless and said casually, '... some time'.
b) '...to see me', the blonde woman said to her friend.
9. (cram; cram in)
a) Though the box was already full the woman managed to ... the last pack offish fingers among the rest.
b) The supermarket was ... with customers on that day.
10. (walk, walk off)
a) Jean never ... to the supermarket as the way was far too long; she went there by car.
b) Slowly Jean ... from the supermarket deep in her thoughts.
Exercise 5
Find the English equivalents to the following words or expressions.
Снять с полки; лента конвейера; поменять на что-либо большего размера; заплатить; продвинуться
на пару шагов; перекладывать покупки; большие упаковки; походы по магазинам; найти мелочь;
беготня; потерять свою очередь; выкладывать продукты на конвейер; пройти через экспресс-кассу;
насчитать десять покупок; определить, что за человек, судя по его покупкам; передавать кому-либо
покупки; отсчитать три банкноты; подсчитать общую сумму; оптовая закупка; выписать чек (два
варианта); отдать деньги кассиру; груда покупок.
Мириться с чьим-либо присутствием; семейные праздники; замолчать; на дне (корзины); качать
головой; в конце концов; сжать зубы; любимая поговорка; разделение труда; время от времени;
попасться на глаза; мыльная опера; бывало то лучше, то хуже; продолжить рассказ;
выжидающе; почувствовать облегчение; ей было не по себе; почувствовать себя намного лучше на
свежем воздухе; в будущем.
Exercise 6
I. Pick out from the text the terms used to denote:
a) objects we use to put our purchases in,
b) amounts or quantities of some stuff,
c) certain details of the interior in a supermarket,
d) names of foodstuffs and drinks.
II. Make up a list of products which Jean saw
a) in her own wire basket,
b) in other people's baskets or trollies.
III. Find and read aloud sentences saying
a) what Jean thought of herself and her purchases,
b) what Jean thought of other people and their purchases.
Exercise 7
Find in the text sentences containing the words given below. Consult the dictionary to pick out all their
meanings. Illustrate these meanings with your own examples.
wire stuff cover belt beg
item quarter bold roll change
Exercise 8
Complete the statements by choosing the answer which you think fits best.
1. Mother never buys goods displayed on the racks with the notice "... offer".
A. specific
B. special
C. particular