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In the end, there exist hundreds of ways to look after the house. You are free to choose one of them.
What kind of housewife would you like to be?
1. Four types of a housewife have been described in the text above. The first three types have been given
names — the lady-type, the lazy-bones type, the efficient housewife. What would you call the fourth type?
2. Which of the types is preferable, to your mind? Why?
3. Name the activities which you see in the pictures below. 
> Pattern: The lady is working about the house.
4. Say how you share domestic chores in your family. Who does the major part of the household work?
Which of you is good at helping your mother?
Some Practical Experience
(Extract from the book by Monica Dickens "One Pair of Hands". Abridged)
I think Miss Cattermole* refrained from telling the agency what she thought of me, for they rang me up a
few days later and offered me another job. This time it was a Mrs. Robertson, who wanted someone twice a
week to do washing and ironing and odd jobs. As I had already assured the agency that I was thoroughly
domesticated in every way, I didn't feel like admitting that I was the world's worst ironer.
* Miss Cattermole is the name of the lady who was the first to hire Monica through a job agency.
They gave me the address, and I went along there. The porter of the flats let me in, as Mrs. Robertson was
out, but she had left a note for me, and a pile of washing on the bathroom floor. I sorted it out, and it was not
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