0 Exercise 1
Transcribe and pronounce correctly the words from the text.
Obvious, to creep, stuffed, marrow, raw, recommendable, cereals, peppercorns, loose, cowboy,
misshapen, super, propulsion, balance, to compensate, to vary, enthusiasm, gymnastics, banister,
unpredictable, frustrating, treat, pruning, insect, addict, cartoon, underpants, appreciate, reluctantly, pyjamas,
0 Exercise 2
Pronounce the words or phrases where the following clusters occur.
1. plosive + plosive
managed to be, creep downstairs, good place, and cold rice, look too, good game, get dressed, to take
Daniel, hard to sit, bedtime, but cartoons, trip down, and put.
2. plosive + w
at waking up, quick warm-up, that we added, just when, that we, it works, a rocket with bricks, patient
3. plosive + r
brother, creep, breakfast, tried, trouble, trousers, trip, brakes, propulsion, unpredictable, try, children,
treat, extremely, programme, brave, practise, agree, pretty.
4. plosive + s
would stay, it seems, starts, what's, tastes, last say, its time, sit still, must seem, good source, fight some.
Exercise 3
Avoid false assimilation in the clusters:
1. z + s
he's six, has snapped, has some.
2. voiceless plosive +
that this, at the moment, noticed that,
think the shops.
3. s/z +
miss the beginning, Mum's the other day, as the trip, suppose that.
Exercise 4
Practise the pronunciation of predicative structures.
It's 'time to 'take 'Daniel to \school. ||
The ,after'noons are 'unpre'dictable. ||
The 'best 'treat of \all, | though, | is 'visiting \Nanny.
My bedtime is 'fixed at 'seven \thirty | and | to be \honest | I'm 'just a'bout \ready for it by ,then. ||
I'm 'not a 'TV \addict | but car'toons I 'do en'joy | and my 'favourite 'programme is \Tarzan. ||
Exercise 1
Reproduce the sentences in which the following words and expressions are used.
to wake up
to vary from day to day
to leave around
to use the day to the full
to get somebody into trouble
to do everything with enthusiasm
to have the last say in
to be a good source of
to be relaxed
the best treat
to put somebody in the
to be a TV addict
right mood
to strip off
to be fussy about something
Exercise 2
Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons.
The child is the last to wake up.
In the kitchen the boy tries a lot of things from cold mar
row to raw sausages.
The child's mother has the last say in what he's going to
The boy likes to wear smart suits.
He finds his trip to Daniel's school boring.
The boy is fussy about his food.