Translate the following quotations and comment upon them.
'Though women are angels, yet wedlock is the devil.'
George Gordon Byron
'The dread of loneliness is greater than the fear of bondage, so we get married.'
Cyril Connolty
'Every woman should many and no man.'
Benjamin Disraeli
'Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut after.'
Benjamin Franklin
'A man should be taller, older, heavier, uglier, and hoarser than his wife.'
Edgar Watson Howe
'Marrying a man is like buying something you've been admiring for a long time in a shop window. You
may love it when you get it home, but it does not always go with everything else in the house.'
Jean Kerr
'An ideal wife is any woman who has an ideal husband.'
Booth Tarkington
Exercise 27
Role-Play "Handing in Marriage Advertisements".
Setting: The office of the "Lonely Hearts Column" of a popular magazine.
Situation: Diferent people come to the office and leave their advertisements. The journalists give advice
on how to write an advertisement for the acquaintance service.
Card I Amanda, a 16 year-old girl who wants to get acquainted with a "blue-eyed prince" or a pop
Card II Miranda, the girl's older female friend who tries to talk her out of writing the advertise-
Card III Belinda, a middle-aged woman who is a frequenter of the "Lonely Hearts Column"
because her expectations of the financial position of her prospective fiance are too high.
Card IV Donald, a very shy young man.
Card V Ronald, an old bachelor.
Card VI Archibald, a divorcee with 3 children.
Card VIIVIII Millard and Lynda, a couple who are happily married thanks to the "Lonely Hearts
Column" and who came to thank the journalist for his/her help and to share the news that they are expecting
a baby.
Card IXX Harold and Brenda, a young man and a young woman who fall in love at first sight and
decide to get married. They wish to publish the announcement of their wedding instead of the
advertisements which they have brought to the magazine.
Card XIXII the journalist who give advice on writing marriage advertisements.*
* Cards with roles are handed out to the students. The students are supposed to think of the details of the dialogues in the role-
play they are going to enact.
Exercise 1
Prepare to write a dictation. Learn the spelling of the italicized words from Introductory Reading and the
words from exercise 1 on page 15.
Exercise 2
Prepare a written translation of the following text:
По мнению многих сегодняшних мужчин, идеальная жена должна обладать следующими
качествами: хозяйственностью, верностью, внешней привлекательностью, добротой,
снисходительностью, опрятностью. А как должен вести себя обходительный муж? Вот некоторые из
современных правил этикета.
1. Муж должен подавать пальто жене, причем как дома, так и в общественном месте.
2. Муж не должен читать во время еды за общим столом.
3. Вопреки взглядам, что обычай целовать женщине руку устарел, жене в порядке исключения
можно и даже нужно целовать руку.