II. Finish the poem above that was not completed by Winnie-the-Pooh.
Exercise 30
Fill in the gaps in the sentences below-with one of the following idioms: to catch the wind with a net, not
to have the foggiest idea, to chase rainbows, a bit of blue sky, to be snowed under, to be on cloud nine, a
storm in a tea cup, thunderous applause, to save for a rainy day, under the weather, to snowball, out of
1. When the audience like a pertomance, they show it with...
2. When you feel that you'll never finish your work, you're ...
3. When you are completely in the dark about something, you ...
4. When a project gets bigger and bigger, it...
5. When you are ecstatically happy, you are ...
6. When you feel unwell, you say that you are ...
7. When you pursue illusory goals or hopes, you ...
8. When you get yourself busy with a useless thing, you ...
9. When you lay up money for the future, you ...
10. When something is absolutely out of place, it is ...
11. When somebody gets some hope at last, he or she gets ...
12. When there is a lot of fuss about a small mishap, it is ...
Exercise 31
Translate the following proverbs and sayings or give their Russian equivalents. Explain their meaning and
use them in 3-sentence situations of your own.
1. Every cloud has a silver lining.
2. It never rains but it pour's.
3. Rain before seven, fine before eleven.
One swallow does not make a summer.
Make hay while the sun shines.
Sow the wind and reap the whirl-wind.
Everything is good in its season.
It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
Exercise 32
Translate the quotations and comment upon them.
'There is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.'
John Ruskin
'When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather.'
Samuel Johnson
'Life, believe, is not a dream,
So dark as sages say;
Oft a little morning rain
Foretells a pleasant day!'
Charlotte Bronte
Exercise 33
0Role Play "Office Gossip after the Summer Vacation".
Setting: The offices of the famous international corporation "Rich People Banks".
Situation: The first working day after a summer vacation. Lunch time. The people speak about their tours
to different places during their leaves. They mainly speak about the weather which they were lucky or
unlucky to have.
Card I- Mr Merryweather, the boss's assistant. He stayed with his wife in a hotel on the Canary Islands for
three weeks. The weather was very nice.
Caid II - Cleopatra, the secretary of the boss. She went hiking to the Pennine Mountains in Great Britain.
The weather was changeable.
Card IIIIV Nina and Tina, two typists. They went together to a youth camp in France. The weather
was warm and sunny.
Card VVI Ted and Ned, two computer programmers. They went fishing to the lakes of Norway. The
weather was rainy.