Exercise 16
Look at the students of your group and say:
1) who has the following type of hair
a) straight, long, short, curly, wavy;
b) fair, daric, blonde, black, brown, grey.
2) whose constitution can be characterised as:
a) short, tall, of medium height;
b) slim, plump, very thin.
3) whose complexion is: pate, daric, pink.
4) who has: plump cheeks, hallow cheeks, cheeks with dimples.
Exercise 17
Look at the models and try to understand how we use 1) look; 2) look like. Note the difference between
the questions 'How does he/she look?', 'What does he/she look like?'. Dont confuse these questions with
"What is he/she like?'.
> Pattern:
She looks gloomy.
How does he/she look?
She is slim, dark-haired,
What does he/she look like?
blue-eyed and wears her
What is she like?
hair combed back.
She is well-bred and intelligent,
a bit shy and never lets you
Group the sentences in the following passages matching them with the proper question, as shown above.
Translate the passages.
1. The girl was delicately-built, very slender, with full lips and deep-set eyes. They looked sad and made
you feel sorry for her.
2. She was a lovely little girl of about five, plump, with an upturned nose and dimpled rosy cheeks. Her
hazel eyes and silky long hair added to her attraction.
3. Melancholy and perplexed, the woman was sitting at the table. Her faded eyes were grave and she
looked upset.
4. Cruel but very clever and shrewd, he was quite an extraordinary person.
5. Mark was dark-haired and romantically handsome, with his merry laugh and charm of the person who
comes from this charming country, Spain.
6. Emily was full of anxiety. She was stubbornly British and didn't find India beautiful or exciting.
7. Rachel was a bit old-fashioned and she was sweet in a way. Her eyes were close-set and a little slanting
but they didn't spoil her pale oval face.