3. To my mind, colleges shouldn't provide students with general knowledge. Emphasis should be
placed on professional skills.
4. I don't think it is important for students to learn how to work with dictionaries.
You may need the following phrases to express your surprise:
You don't say so!
You must be joking!
You can't be serious!
Go on (with you)!
Exercise 33
Challenge the following statements. Give your reasons.
1. When you don't understand your teacher's explanation you don't ask to explain again because this is
very embarrassing.
2. When you are really too sick to go to class you go anyway. It would be rude not to go.
3. When you feel that you are not doing well in a course, you stop going to class because you don't have
time to do the work.
4. If you have the feeling that the teacher doesn't like you, you do the best you can do under the
5. If you don't like to answer or ask questions in class you ask to speak to the teacher and explain your
Exercise 34
Discuss college life in this country. Use these questions as a guide for your discussion.
1. What do students wear to college?
2. How do students get to college?
3. How do students know which class to go to?
4. How do students greet the teacher?
5. How does the teacher greet the students?
6. How do students address the teacher?
7. When does the term begin?
8. How long does it last?
9. How long is the college day?
10. Who decides what a student will study?
11. Who decides which students will attend college?
Exercise 35
Find out how colleges and universities in this country have changed since your teachers were students.
Ask your teacher to tell you about what it was like when he or she was at college. Present an oral report on
changes in Russian colleges and universities.
Exercise 36
Match the English idioms in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column. Illustrate
the meanings of the English idioms by your own examples.
to go into details
А. начать с азов
to drum something into
В. как дважды два четыре
somebody's head
a brain twister
С. куриные мозги
two and two make four
D. синий чулок
a stumbling block
Е. вдаваться в подробности
the key word
F. головоломка
the brain of a pigeon
G. легко даваться
to come easy
H. ключевое слово
to start from scratch
I. камень преткновения
10. a blue stocking
J. вдолбить что-либо в голову
Exercise 37
Translate the proverbs into Russian and comment upon them.
1. A man is never too old to learn.
2. Education covers a lot of ground but it doesn't cultivate it.
3. Live and learn.