14. You are of full age. The matter is pressing. I cannot wait.
15. For two people to be happy in marriage they must be able to respect one another, and their interests
must be alike;
then if they are decent people and willing to give and take, to live and let live, there is no
reason why their union should not be as happy as ours.
Exercise 7
Translate the following verbal phrases into Russian. Mind the difference in the use of prepositions in the
two languages if any.
1. To consult somebody, to address somebody, to pass the age, to shrug one's shoulders, to encounter
somebody, to many somebody, to nurse somebody.
2. To sum up, to be taken aback, to give up, to hand in, to sit down, to come up.
Exercise 8
Put in the missing prepositions or postpositions if necessary.
1. I felt deep sorrow and wanted to confide my troubles ... somebody.
2. The children were so much taken ... that they could not speak for a while; then they decided to think
it... .
3. You don't need to consult ... anybody, you have already passed ... the age when people depend on
4. The best way to drive care ... is to sit... a cafe.
5. One never knows how to address ... young ladies Miss or Mrs.
6. A lot of people have never set eyes ... skyscrapers.
7. The lady at the table shrugged ... her shoulders and sent... the waiter.
8. Not everyone has enough tolerance to nurse ... elderly people but those who have, never give it... .
9. I encountered ... my old friend in the street, we went to a cafe and talked ... so many things.
10. The most difficult thing for a young author is to hand ... his manuscript to the editor.
11. Younger people are easily influenced ... all sorts of things they see or hear.
12. When the lady was pleased her lips relaxed ... a smile.
13. Quite often the students are asked to sum ... the story.
14. The tenor sang and his assistant accompanied him ... the guitar.
Exercise 9
Translate the sentences into English using the vocabulary of the text.
1. Кто сможет в сорок лет отказаться от привычной жизни и уехать куда-нибудь далеко, чтобы
начать вс¸ сначала?
2. Я думаю, не будет никакого вреда, если мы подробно обо вс¸м поговорим.
3. Я прошу ответить сию секунду.
4. Хотя мне хотелось чем-нибудь заняться и мне предложили хорошую работу, я вс¸ же не был
готов начать через день.
5. Говорят, Наполеон был намного ниже среднего роста.
Решение пришло неожиданно. Я ушел и отправился
побродить, чтобы развеяться.
Союз двух людей не сбудет счастливым, если они не уважают друг друга.
В этой семье каждый год празднуют годовщину свадьбы.
Смотреть на супругов, проживших вместе пятьдесят
лет это трогательное зрелище.
10. В этом доме всегда с радостью принимают гостей.
11. Я очень рекомендую Вам отправиться в путешествие на корабле.
12. Спустя какое-то время ко мне подош¸л старый приятель.
Подавая брачные объявления в газету, люди чаще
всего ищут партн¸ров подходящего
14. Кто их разбер¸т, женщин? Они вс¸ делают по-своему.
15. Изо всех сил стараясь сдержать смех, дама в ответ просто пожала плечами.
Exercise 10
Dramatize the dialogues between:
the narrator and the French Governor;
the minister and the prospective Governor;
the prospective Governor and his friend;
the prospective Governor and his future wife.
Exercise 11