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14.7.4. Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand the text.
accident — случайный 
fault — вина 
pain — боль 
fragile — хрупкий 
compassion — сочувствие 
sensible.—. разумный 
consent — согласие 
disturb — беспокоить
14.7.5. Listen to the dialogue. Be ready to give the contents of it.
14.7.6. Tell the contents of the dialogue as close to the text as possible.
14.8. Time for fun
14.8.1. Read and translate the following jokes:
1. Old lady: And what is your name, my good man?
Convict: 999.
Old lady: Oh, but that's not your real name.
Convict: No, that's only my pen name.
pen-name — псевдоним (литерат.) 
pen (slang) — тюрьма
2. Some women take up the law and become lawyers. Others lay down the law and become wives.
take up the law — заняться изучением права. 
lay down the law — устанавливать закон
3. He: «All women are divided into three classes: the looked at, the looked over and the overlooked».
She: «Really? And so are men: the intelligent, the handsome and the majority».
14.8.2. Do you know that...
The English language is said to contain 490,000 words and 300,000 scientific terms. About 80,000 words
are theoretically in use and this includes archaic legal jargon. It is said that William Shakespear used about
29,000 words in his works; an average English-speaking person uses several thousand; a poorly educated
person can do with as little as 1,000 words in his everyday life.
* 14.8.3. Try to read and translate the poem. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of the underlined
Our queer language
I think you already know 
Of though and bough and cough and dough 
Others may stumble, but not you 
On hiccough, thorough, tough and through
Well done! And now you wish, perhaps, 
To learn of less familiar traps? 
Beware of heard, a dreadful word 
That looks like beard and sounds like bird
And dead; it's said like bed, not bead— 
For goodness' sake don't call it deed
Watch out for meat and great and threat— 
They rhyme with suite and straight and debt
A moth is not a moth in mother
Nor both in bother or in brother
And here is not a match for there
Nor dear and fear for bear and pear
And there's dose and rose and lose— 
Just look them up—and goose and choose
And cork and front and card and sword
And font and front and word and sword. 
And do and go and thwart and cart— 
Come, come, I've hardly made a start! 
A dreadful language? Man alive, 
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