murderer [m'
] убийца
possibility возможность
criminal преступник
burglary ['b
] кража со взломом
to watch TV смотреть телевизор
juvenile ['
l] несовершеннолетний
reason причина
School vocabulary:
to rise, dark, to buy, to get
*13.3.3. Прочитайте и переведите:
Jane's letter (cont.)
«...One more thing I'm going to tell you concerns the problem which faces our society now. I mean the
problem of violence. The latest statistical data says that violent crime is rising constantly in this country. I know
about it not only by newspapers reports. I've been robbed twice already and I'm afraid to leave my flat when it
becomes dark. But even staying at home isn't a guarantee for safety. My old neighbour had been killed in his
own flat and as usual the murderers hadn't been found by the police. Violence has become an accepted way of
life in America. There are different explanations for this phenomenon. One of them is the possibility to buy any
kind of weapons at gun shops everywhere in the US. The weapon is being bought not only by criminals but by
law-abiding citizens too to protect themselves.
The growth of using drugs is one more reason. To buy drugs teenagers need money, so they try to get it by
robbing, committing burglary or even murdering people. Another reason is the propaganda of violence by mass
media and especially television and films. Watching TV you are being fed with all kinds of killings, beatings,
gunfights and so on. Even the special programmes for children are full of scenes of violence. And it's not
surprising that juvenile crime record is constantly growing. I'm sorry I took so much of your time telling about
my city and country, but I hope it was interesting for you. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Please, give my best wishes to Pete.
Yours sincerely, Jane».
13.3.4. Петр составил несколько предложений с Passive Voice. Но он не уверен, как расположить их
в таблице. Помогите ему.
1. The student is being examined. Don't enter the room.
2. The students are examined twice a year.
3. The paper was published yesterday.
4. The paper has been published already.
5. The paper had been published by 7 o'clock yesterday.
6. The paper was being published at this time yesterday.
7. The letter will be sent tomorrow.
8. The letter will have been sent tomorrow by 7 o'clock.
Present __________________________
Past _____________________________
Future ____________________________
13.3.5. Предположим, что вы подозреваемый. Следователь обвиняет вас в некоторых действиях.
Попытайтесь оправдаться. (Используйте Passive Voice.)
Model: I. You invited the man to the restaurant.
S. Oh, no, I was invited to the restaurant by him.
1. You've struck this man first.
2. You had robbed several persons before we arrested you.
3. You said: «I'll phone him at 5».
4. You were watching somebody when they met you.
5. You asked him to help you.
6. You always cheat people.
13.3.6. Петр столь усердно изучал пассивные формы глагола, что окончательно запутался. Глаголы
никак не хотят становиться на свои законные места. Помогите Петру навести порядок.