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1.5.2. Выберите правильный вариант. Не пользуйтесь текстом.
1. Every day is...
a) the same;
b) different for him;
c) interesting for him. 
2) Work begins at...
a) half past six;
b) half past seven;
c) five thirty.
3. After dinner Coke usually...
a) sleeps;
b) reads;
c) walks.
4. Coke knows that...
a) Masters has a lot of money;
b) Hugo is an army officer;
c) Masters is in prison.
5. Coke wants to escape to... 
a) kill Hugo;
b) go home;
c) find Masters.
1.5.3. Ответьте на вопросы преподавателя.
(Книги закрыты.)
1. Where do people work in prison?
2. What do the people there usually think about?
3. What does Coke know about Eric Masters?
4. What does Coke want to escape for?
1.6. Scanning practice
1.6.1. Прочитайте вопросы. Вам нужно будет ответить на них после прочтения текста.
1. What did the man tell when they began to speak about robbers?
2. What did the highwayman demand?
3. How did the woman explain the matter?
1.6.2. Просмотрите текст. Не забудьте отметить время начала и конца работы.
A Case on the road
In the old days a number of people were travelling from Bristol to London. During the long journey the
passengers became friendly and didn't hide anything from each other. When the conversation turned upon
robbers, a man told he had ten guineas in gold but didn't know where best to hide them. A woman advised him
to put them into his boots.
(hide — прятать; robber — грабитель; guinea — 21 shillings — гинея).
Later on really a robber stopped the coach and demanded the money. Then to the astonishment of all
others, the woman who had advised to hide her neighbour's money in his boot said: «I have no money, but this
man has ten guineas in his boot». «The robber took the ten guineas and left. The robbed man began to accuse
the woman of being in league with the robber. But the woman said: «Wait till London and I'll explain the thing
to you».
(coach — карета, demand — требовать; accuse — обвинять, be in league with — быть в сговоре)
When they came to London she told that she had had a large sum of money with her and that she had told
the man's secret to turn the robber's attention from her. She begged now to excuse her and awarded the man
with one hundred pounds.
(beg — умолять; award — наградить; pound — 20 shillings — фунт стерлингов) (198 words)
1.6.3. Ответьте на вопросы в п.1.6.1. (Книги закрыты.)
1.7. Listening practice
1.7.1. Прочитайте следующие вопросы. Вам нужно ответить на них после прослушивания текста.
1. Is Linda a teacher?
2. Where is the man from?
3. Are the Englishmen on holiday?
4. Does the man want tea with sugar?
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