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12.3.13. Прочитайте дополнительную информацию о федеральной системе судов США и рас-
скажите, что вы поняли (по-русски).
Courts     The government can be sued for
of Claims unpaid salary, property taken for
public use and
personal injuries for which the Federal government is responsible. The Court of Claims consists of a chief
justice and 4 associate justices who are appointed by the President with Senate approval.
Customs   This court deals with all the cases
Court      arising at the customs when goods enter the country. This court was established in 1890 and is
located in New York where most of its business is conducted.
Court of   The court hears appeals from
Customs   decisions of the Customs Court and Patent and the Patent Office. Its judge-Appeals    ments and
decrees are final.
* 12.3.14. Предположим, что вы один из судей Верховного суда США. Иностранные кор-
респонденты задают вам вопрос о судебной системе США. Дайте точные ответы на их вопросы.
12.4. Practice in communication 
* 12.4.1. Read and try to remember:
Here are some ways of refusing to comply with someone's suggestions.
1. No, thank you. I don't want to.
2. No, certainly not.
3. Why should I?
4. Oh, no!
5. Never!
6. Good heavens, no!
12.4.2. Ask someone why they don't:
1. buy a television;
2. call the police;
3. go into politics;
4. get a new job;
5. have a haircut;
6. take up yoga;
7. become a doctor.
He/she will refuse to comply with your suggestions.
12.4.3. Look through the dialogue and then dramatize it.
HE   Why don't you sit down and relax, darling?
SHE Because I don't want to. 
HE   Well, come and talk to me then. 
SHE Certainly not.
HE   May I turn on the radio then? 
SHE Turn on the radio? What for? 
HE   So that we can sit together and listen to some music. 
SHE Listen to some music? And who'll cook the dinner? Will you? 
HE   OK, I will. But let's go to a disco after dinner. 
SHE To a disco? Good heavens, no! You know I hate pop.
12.4.4. Make any suggestions you like. You partner will refuse to comply.
12.5. General understanding
12.5.1. Read the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions.
The man who escaped
(Episode 12)
1. Kate led Coke to a table and then went to the bar to get their drinks. «Masters isn't here», Coke said.
«Surely you didn't expect to walk in and find him, just like that?» «No, I suppose not».
They had been there for over an hour. More people came in, but Masters was not among them. It was
getting towards closing time when the barman came to their table. «May I take you empty glasses?» he asked
politely. Coke touched him on his sleeve. «Does a man named Eric Masters ever come in here?» he asked. He
did not notice the man standing at the bar who stared at him in the mirror when he mentioned Masters' name.
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