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18.2. Word-building
(Compound nouns)
18.2.1. Translate the following compound nouns:
moonlight, bookshop, brainwork, furcap, bedtime, tabletalk, dogshow, housemaid, teargas, cloakroom,
snowstorm, thunderstorm, glasswork, flower bed, folk-dance.
18.3. Full understanding
18.3.1. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте:
to address [
d'res], ceremony ['ser
], to qualify ['kw
], extraordinary [
], alibi
Proper names: Mr. Myers ['ma
z], Germany.
18.3.2. Смотрите, слушайте, повторяйте, запомните:
New words:
witness-box — место для дачи показаний
objection — возражение
accomplice [
s] — соучастник
to testify ['test
] — свидетельствовать
to solve — решать, разрешать
suspect — подозревать
to be free — быть свободным
to bring a verdict — вынести вердикт
to release [r
s] — освобождать
innocent ['
nt] — невиновный
perjury ['р
] — лжесвидетельство
to care — заботиться
to exhibit [
t] — выставлять
to execute ['eks
t] — казнить
marriage — брак
School vocabulary:
to enter, husband, coat, to open, to depend on, idea, to understand, to run.
18.3.3. Прочитайте и переведите:
Pete and Nell go to the pictures (cont.)
Scene III
(The third day of the Vole trial. Mr. Myers, the Counsel for the prosecution is calling his surprise witness,
Christine Helm. Christine Vole enters the courtroom. Looking straight in front of her she goes to the witness-
Christine: (reading the oath): I swear by Almighty God¹ that evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the
whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Sir Wilfred (addressing the judge): My Lord², I have the most serious objection to this witness. The thing
is that she is the wife of the prisoner Leonard Vole!
Myers: My Lord, I call my learned friend's attention to the fact that I summoned not Mrs Vole but Mrs
Helm. (To Christine) Are you actually Mr. Vole's wife?
Christine: No, I went through a marriage ceremony with him in Hamburg, but I already had a husband. He
is still alive.
Vole: Christine! That's not true! What she says is unbelievable!
Judge: I don't see any reason why this witness should not be qualified to give evidence.
Myers: Mrs. Helm, did Leonard Vole on the night of the murder return home at 25 past 9 as you had stated
to the police?
Christine: No, he returned at ten past ten. This is when he returned? He was breathing hard, very excited.
He threw off his coat and examined the sleeves. They had blood on them. He said: «I've killed her».
Vole: Christine! Why are you lying?
Judge: I must have silence!
Christine: I cannot go on lying to save him! I said to the police what he wanted me to say because I'm
grateful to him. But I cannot come into the court and swear that he was with me. I don't want to be an
accomplice to the murder!
Scene IV
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