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The nations of the New World and a strengthened Europe were becoming industrial rivals of Britain. The
European countries were partitioning the African continent, and Britain succeeded in adding great African
possessions to her Empire: Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, New Zealand and Rhodesia; the Sudan was jointly
administered by Britain and Egypt.
The United States since the end of the Civil War (1862-1865) had progressed greatly and rapidly, supplied
the free-trade England with its food products and were developing into a great power.
The role of the United Kingdom at the end of the Victorian Era, at the end of the 19th century was highly
important, jingoistic (shovinistic) imperialism and the financial strength spread over the world through the
export of capital by the banks of the City, strongly influenced the internal development of the country:
Saxon shovinism and superiority complex in the upper spheres and the trade unionism, emigration to the colo-
nies and Dominions, political parties struggle for power were the consequences.
Meanwhile the conflicts and contradictions among the European countries were bringing the world to the
brink of the World War, which was destined to bring about great changes in the British role in the world.
1. What reforms were introduced by the Whigs and how did they influence the situation in the
country in the 30th of the 19th century?
2. What were the repeated attempts of the people to introduce more radical reforms? Describe the
programme and the demands of the movement.
3. Who was the Monarch of Britain for the greater part of the 19th century? What were the
political affiliations of the numerous Prime Ministers of the century?
4. What can you say about the role of Prince Albert in British Affairs?
5. What were the greatest cultural achievements of the Victorian Age?
6. Why did the British start the Crimean War and who became the heroic figure of the War?
7. What was the policy of Britain in India?
8. What was the difference between the policies of B.Disraeli and Gladstone? How do you
understand "jingoism "?
9. How did the overseas possessions of Britain expand? What was the situation in the British
10. What was the role and the status of Great Britain in the World at the end of the 19th century?
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