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2. Who did the farmer, take Caruso for?
II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.
Once he came to the US to give concerts.
III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.
When he (1 — be) twenty-three years old Paul Morel (2
— send) a landscape to the winter
picture show at Nottingham Castle. His pictures already (3 — admire) greatly and (4 — talk) much
One morning the young postman (5 — come) just as Paul (6 — wash up) in the kitchen.
Suddenly Paul (7 — hear) a loud cry that (8 — come) from the front door. He (9 — hurry) to the
door and (10 — find) his mother with a letter in her hand that the postman (11 — hand) to her.
Mrs Morel (12 - cry): "Hurrah!"
Paul (13 – surprise) and (14 – shock). "Why, Mother!" he (15 — exclaim). "Hurrah, my boy! I
(16 — know) you (17 — get) it!" He (18 — be) afraid for her — that small woman with grey hair
who (19 — cry) so excitedly. The postman (20 — come) back, as he (21 — be) afraid something
(22 — happen). Mrs Morel (23 — open) the door to him.
"His picture (24 — get) the first prize, Fred!" she (25 — cry).
"And it (26 — buy) by a Major Moreton!"
The young postman, whom they (27 — know) all their life (28 — be) glad he (29 — bring)
such an important letter.
"The letter (30 — say) how much the picture (31 — sell) for?"
"It (32 – sell) for 20 guineas!"
Paul (33 — follow) his mother into the room. He (34 — be) sure she (35 — make) some
mistake reading the letter and now he (36 — want) to read it. He slowly (37 — read) the letter over
unable to believe that it (38 — be) true.
"Mother!" he (39 – exclaim).
"Didn't I say we (40 – do) it, Paul!"
IV. Выберите правильный вариант.
1. When she arrived we ... dinner.
a) have had, b) were having, c) are having, d) will have.
2. He ... school this year.
a) finished, b) was finished, c) has finished, d) is finished.
3. They ... by 5 o'clock.
a) returned, b) had returned, c) have returned, d) has returned.
4. I wonder when we ... their letter.
a) receive, b) have received, c) will receive, d) are receiving.
5. ... you do me a favour?
a) can, b) may, c) should, d) need.
6. He ... spend more time in the open air.
a) has, b) need, c) should, d) ought.
7. Tom works ... at his English.
a) hard, b) hardly, c) well, d) badly.
8. My car ... repairing.
a) must, b) must be, c) needs, d) hasn't.
9. Have you seen the film ... ?
a) already, b) ever, c) yet, d) just.
10. Ann enjoys ... to classical music.
a) to listen, b) listening, c) being listened, d) having listened.
11. What did you...?
a) speak, b) talk, c) say, d) tell.
12. He spent his childhood in ... Scotland. 
a) a, b) an, c) the, d) — .
13. John is twice as ... as his sister.
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