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As is seen from the example, one of the means of transposing a cumuleme into a sentence in literary speech
is the use of half-fihality punctuation marks (here, a semicolon).
§ 8. Neither dictemes-cumulcmcs, nor paragraphs form the upper limit of textual units of speech.
Paragraphs are connected within the framework of larger elements of texts making up different paragraph
groupings. Thus, above the process of cumulation as syntactic connection of separate sentences, supra-
cumulation should be discriminated as connection of dictemes-cumulemes and paragraphs into larger textual
unities of the correspondingly higher subtopical statuc Cf.:
... That first slip with my surname was just like him; and afterwards, particularly when he was annoyed,
apprehensive, or guilty because of me, he frequently called me Ellis.
So, in the smell of Getliffe's tobacco, I listened to him as he produced case after case, sometimes
incomprehensibly, because of his allusive slang, often inaccurately. He loved the law (C.P. Snow).
In the given example, the sentence beginning the second paragraph is cumulated (i.e. supra-cumulated) to
the previous paragraph, thus making the two of them into a paragraph grouping.
Moreover, even larger stretches of text than primary paragraph groupings can be supra-cumulated to one
another in the syntactic sense, such as chapters and other compositional divisions. For instance, compare the
end of Chapter XXIII and the beginning of Chapter XXIV of J. Galsworthy's "Over the River":
Chapter XXIII. ... She went back to Condaford with her father by the morning train, repeating to her Aunt
the formula: "I'm not going to be ill."
Chapter XXIV. But she was ill, and for a month in her conventional room at Condaford often wished she
were dead and done with. She might, indeed, quite easily have died...
Can, however, these phenomena signify that the sentence is simply a sub-unit in language system, and that
"real" syntactic elements of this system are not sentences, but various types of dictemes or supra-dictemes? - In
no wise.
Supra-sentential connections cannot be demonstrative of the would-be "secondary", "sub-level" role of the
sentence as an element of syntax by the mere fact that all the cumulative and occursive relations in speech, as
we have seen from the above analysis, are effected by no other unit than the sentence, and by no other structure
than the inner structure of the sentence; the sentence remains the central structural-syntactic element in all the
formations of topical significance. Thus, even in the course of a detailed study of various types of supra-
sentential constructions, the linguist comes to the confirmation of the classical truth that the two basic units of
language are the word and the sentence: the word as a unit of nomination, the sentence as a unit of predication.
And it is through combining different sentence-predications that topical reflections of reality are achieved in all
the numerous forms of lingual communication.
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