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room n 1 С part of a house or a building enclosed by walls or partitions, floor, ceiling
2 pi apartments
3 U space that is or might be occupied
4 U scope, opportunity
language n 1 U human and noninstinctive method of communicating ideas
2 С form of ~ used by a people
3 U manner of using words
4 U words, phrases, etc. used by a profession 
Of special interest in the EFL teaching should be those English uncountable nouns whose Russian
equivalents have a different reference to number since students' errors can be predicted each time they
will be used.
English uncountable singular     Russian uncountable plural
applause                                     аплодисменты
cash                                            наличные
cutlery                                        режущие столовые предметы
hair                                             волосы
money                                        деньги
English uncountable singular  Russian countable 
advice                                       совет, -ы 
gossip                                       сплетня, -и
jewellery                                  драгоценное украшение, -я 
knowledge                                знание, -я 
research                                    исследование, я 
work                                        работа,-ы
English uncountable plural                Russian countable 
archives                                             архив, -ы 
congratulations                                 поздравление, -я 
goods                                                товар, -ы 
outskirts                                           окраина, -ы 
proceeds                                          выручка, -и 
pyjamas                                           пижама, -ы 
remains                                            остаток, -и
Nouns can be converted from uncountable to countable, and vice versa
The uncountable form always has a more generalized meaning, whereas the countable form has a more
specified meaning Changing uncountable nouns into countable form usually requires some kind of
container or package or unit measure: water
> a glass of water, advice > a piece of advice, Life is hard
> He had a hard life. On the other hand, changing countable nouns into uncountable forms usually
requires changing them into a more abstract or generalized form: a chair
> furniture, a book > literature,
printed matter, a fact
-> knowledge, data
Many nouns meaning materials can become countable nouns when they are used to refer to an amount
of something in a container:
a coffee, a beer, a whisky
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