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and 4 ... language,                                                           employ
Not all translators are in full-time 5 ... but those           industry 
who are usually work for large 6 ... concerns or 
for public organizations.
The main personal characteristic needed to be              success, 
a 7 ... translator is a 8 ... to attend to detail. In               willing 
addition, it is 9 ... for translators to know at least          desire 
two foreign languages. The wider the 10 ... of               vary 
languages they can offer, the greater the likelihood 
that work will be available.
Key: 1 inaccurate; 2 scientific; 3 understanding; 4 specialized; 5 employment; 6 industrial; 7
successful; 8 willingness; 9 desirable; 10 variety.
Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each
space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your word on the separate answer sheet.
Example:    0    of
Keeping Fit
Bodies are made to move! They are not designed for sitting around in front 0 … the television or
reading magazines. Keeping fit doesn
t 1 … you have to be a super- athlete, and even a 2 exercise can
give you a lot of fun. When you're fit and healthy, you'll find you look better and feel better. You'll 3 ...
more energy and self-confidence.
Every time you move you 4 ... exercising. The human body is designed to bend, stretch, run, jump and
climb. The 5 ... it does, the stronger and fitter it will become. Best of 6 ..., exercise is fun. It's 7 ... your
body likes doing most — keeping on the move.
Physical exercise is not only good 8 ... your body. People who take regular exercise are usually
happier, more relaxed and more alert 9 ... people who sit around all day. Try an experiment — next time
you're 10 ... a bad mood, go for a walk or play a ball game in the park. See how 11 ... better you feel after
an hour.
A sense of achievement is yet 12 ... benefit of exercise. People feel good 13 ... themselves when they
know they have improved 14 ... fitness. People who exercise regularly will 15 ... you that they find they
have more energy to enjoy life. So have a go — you'll soon see and feel the benefits!
Key: 1 mean; 2 little; 3 have/develop; 4 are; 5 more; 6 all; 7 what; 8 for; 9 than; 10 in; 11 much; 12
another; 13 about/in; 14 their; 15 tell.
Read the text below. Use the word at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the
same line. There is an example at the beginning 0. Write your word on the separate answer sheet.
Example:    0    scientists
A Risky Activity
According to some 0 ..., high-risk sports can                    science 
be particularly 1 ... for certain types of people,                 value 
Such activities help them to learn that being 
2 ... doesn't mean that they have to lose control,              fright 
The recent fashion for jumping from bridges 
attached to a 3 ... of elastic rope, known as "bungee         long 
jumping", has now been tried by over one million 
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