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I. Read the text. Mark the following statements true or false.
1. Reynolds never travelled outside Britain.
2. The Royal Academy of Arts was founded in 1758.
3. Reynolds hired assistants to lay out the canvases for him.
4. Reynolds created state portraits of the King and Queen.
II. How well have you read? Answer the following questions:
1. Who became a target for Romantic attacks? Why?
2. What fascinated Reynolds during the Grand Tour?
3. What remains a formidable body of Classical doctrine?
4. How great was the success of Reynolds as a portraitist?
5. Whom did Reynolds portray? How did he depict them?
III. i. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:
a commanding figure; to speak eloquently; the preceding two centuries; to become a target for
smb; the grandiloquence of the poses; the Royal Academy of Arts; to lay out the canvases.
ii. Give English equivalents of the following phrases: 
Королевская Академия искусств; готовить холст для к-л; торжественные позы;
великолепные портреты; авторитетная фигура; два предшествующих века; стать мишенью
для к-л.
iii. Make up sentences of your own with the given phrases
IV. Here are names of the English painters and the titles of their works of art. Match them up.
Describe the paintings.
1. Reynolds                     
2. Hogarth                     
3. Gainsborough                
a. A Rake's Progress
b. Lady Sarah Bunbury
c. Market Cart
d. Mary Countess Howe
V. Translate the text into English.
Первым президентом Королевской Академии искусства, открытой в 1768, был Джошуа
Рейнольдсс. Теоретически он выступал как сторонник классицизма, однако практически
выходил за рамки этого направления. В молодости Рейнольдсс посетил Италию, в старости -
Голландию и Фландрию. Он восхищался колоритом Тициана и Рубенса и многому научился
как у них, так и у Рембрандта. После переезда в Лондон в 1753 г. Рейнольдсс стал самым
знаменитым портретистом Британии. Иногда он писал до 150 портретов в год. В форме
парадного портрета Рейнольдсс сумел выразить веру в человека. С появлением Рейнольдсса
английская живопись получила всеобщее признание.
VI. Summarize the text.
VII. Topics for discussion.
1. Reynolds's portraits.
2. Reynolds's Enlightenment activity.
UNIT IV INGRES (1780-1867)
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres remained faithful to Neo-classic ideals to the end of his life,
he formed the centre of the conservative group that utilised the Principles of Neo-classicism, forged
in the Revolution (1789-1799) as a weapon for reaction. Ingres was an infant prodigy, attending art
school at eleven, and a capable performer on the violin. He entered the studio of David at
seventeen, but as long as he lived he never accepted the cubic mass of David's mature style
preferring curving forms flowing like violin melody. Winner of the Grand Prix de Rome, he
remained in that city from 1806 until 1820, and returned there from 1835 to 1841, absorbing not
only ancient but also Renaissance art, especially that of Raphael. Ingres stayed four years in
Florence (1820-24) where he was one of the first to appreciate the Florentine Mannerists. The first
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